Instead of that, it may be better to buy any raw materials with dollar when it still has some value. For example, buying Saudi oil with dollar, or import from Japan. This is to shift the risk of dollar to others dollar lovers. Todays dollar lovers are important to China to offload. However, dumping dollar in Forex market will just devalue dollar (that is still in Chinese hands, so it is still Chinese property).a scenario analysis on the China-US trade war, the financial front
in the tit for tat trade war, China will soon run out cards, so it may resort to its last weapon, the US treasury.
how much damage a sell down can do to the US financial market? actaully the impact is straight forward, because there's a one to one correspondence between the treasury price and the interest, interest is the inverse of bond price, that is:
China holds about 10% of the US treasury in circulation, if China dumps the treasury, a 20% nominal loss will push up the10-year treasury interest by 2%, and the 5-year interest by 4%, it's as simple as that. if America can stand a 2-4% interest hike in one go, that's Trump's business.
selling the treasury will get the dollar, that's no reason for China to swap one US paper for another, China will dump the dollar on the Forex market, that's the double-whammy.
the US cannot live without the international market, it need to raise a trillion every year to finance its deficit.
Getting rid of dollar is a long term goal, it has to be done in a controlled and slow motion to minimize the Chinese loss. China need both dollar lovers and RMB lovers right now, the first ones are to take up the hot potato, the second ones are to assist RMB spreading.