Trade War with China

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Trump is coming at this from a National Security standpoint, America cannot just relie on cheap imports forever, it needs to go back to being a self reliant, self sufficient economy that it used to be. Just like China is always looking out for #1 (CHINA) while the U.S. is always at the losing end of these trade deals because China pretends it is still a developing country...what a joke.

China keeps industries running, even if they lose hundreds of billions so it is self sufficient, and for national security matters. China does not just lay everyone off and say the party's over ya hicks, go back to your farms, so it's really asinine to slander trump for looking out for his base.

If plastic junk& marvel character bed-sheets from Walmart become more expensive, and people have to buy less poorly made crap from China, I don't think there are any downsides to this, there will probably be less waste for the dump as well.

Meanwhile quality food products that the U.S. exports to China become more expensive for the Chinese middle class - China can't just ramp up Pork & Beef, Wine, Whisky you name it food production if they jack up Tariffs on U.S. exports - Trumps got xi by the balls! Chinese wine is a joke, Chinese (insert the name of the product compared to a U.S. Product) Is a joke. The Chinese middle class loses out big time in a Trade War, as no one in China likes or trusts Chinese made products.

I pretty much appreciated your post when reading the first paragraph, until I read the highlighted texts of yours.

First of all, calling other countries making crap is an insult, a very low and cheap shot. And you won't get any kind response for that, or you will be ignored by others (me first). It's does not worth the breath to debate with you.

Secondly, not for a meaningful debate with you for the reason above, I do want to entertain you by asking "For all these decades, are Americans like you living on cheap junks?" How miserable life is that? I also invite you to visit a Chinese home and count how many "quality" products are American. I can tell you already, NONE. As specifically about food from US. I have never seen them on my family's table. Wine? Seriously? If Chinese drink wine, we either drink the Chinese "joke", a totally different specie (sweet wine) from any western wine. If we want to taste something different, French wine is the choice as it carries prestige. And seriously, you think Chinese trust American cars? Chinese local brands may not have the prestige, but they are cheap for the poor. If we want luxury, we buy Mercedes, BMW or Audi or even Volvo.


Trump is coming at this from a National Security standpoint, America cannot just relie on cheap imports forever, it needs to go back to being a self reliant, self sufficient economy that it used to be. Just like China is always looking out for #1 (CHINA) while the U.S. is always at the losing end of these trade deals because China pretends it is still a developing country...what a joke.

China keeps industries running, even if they lose hundreds of billions so it is self sufficient, and for national security matters. China does not just lay everyone off and say the party's over ya hicks, go back to your farms, so it's really asinine to slander trump for looking out for his base.

If plastic junk& marvel character bed-sheets from Walmart become more expensive, and people have to buy less poorly made crap from China, I don't think there are any downsides to this, there will probably be less waste for the dump as well.

Meanwhile quality food products that the U.S. exports to China become more expensive for the Chinese middle class - China can't just ramp up Pork & Beef, Wine, Whisky you name it food production if they jack up Tariffs on U.S. exports - Trumps got xi by the balls! Chinese wine is a joke, Chinese (insert the name of the product compared to a U.S. Product) Is a joke. The Chinese middle class loses out big time in a Trade War, as no one in China likes or trusts Chinese made products.
The US is losing out because American products are not great at all (US cars are trash compared to German, Japanese, even Korean cars), but they think they're real cool so they wanna sell them for a lot of money. Americans who didn't graduate high school working on an assembly line want to be paid enough to get a house, 2 cars, send 3 kinds to college, and have his wife not work. That's why your economy can't balance itself out; nobody is willing to be the lower base needed to support the upper tower.

Plastic junk? Boy you are not keen on reading the news, are you? China is the largest hub of innovation and technological advancement; Chinese companies claim the world's number 1 and number 2 for top technology patents. Trump's quaking in his boots, preferring Qualcomm go bankrupt than sell to a Singaporean company (the reason being because Singaporeans look like Chinese so who knows? LOL).

American consumers making ends meet can't make do without cheaper Chinese alternatives but Chinese have no need for American wine, pork or any of that shit. There are so many global alternatives.

And you know how all of this is gonna pan out? When Trump does all of this shit and still can't get other countries to buy more American products. Because the problem isn't the "rules"; the problem is that American products and manufacturing are not globally competitive. Winners search for problems from within; losers want to turn world upside down looking for "unfairness" to explain why they failed, and that's the US right now. You'll see, changing the rules of the game won't save you if you're just a shitty player.


As for China's leading technology patents. Chinese researchers just submit patent after patent, just for the sake of having a high patent count. It is one of the national strategies of Chinese academia to pump out a huge volume of nonsensical studies and patents, so China can save face.

Hahaha, another theory you pulled out of your ass. You can't source to save your own life.


Truth is stranger than fiction my friend.

I guess you actually don't know the meaning of sources, citations, credibility, or rigour. Not that anyone's surprised, though, you really aren't particularly bright as can be inferred from your commentary. And I mean that in a non-insulting, purely objective way. You truly are mentally unhinged and probably should see a professional psychiatrist for a potential diagnosis of paranoia.


As for China's leading technology patents. Chinese researchers just submit patent after patent, just for the sake of having a high patent count. It is one of the national strategies of Chinese academia to pump out a huge volume of nonsensical studies and patents, so China can save face.
But Huawei and ZTE are companies for making money, not academic institutions...

And other than that, why don't you submit some evidence to support that Chinese patents are empty and only for patent count (while US patents somehow have substance)? Without evidence, you are squarely in the realm of fantasy, which is where Trump supporters generally dwell.
Truth is stranger than fiction my friend.
That literally doesn't mean anything.


But Huawei and ZTE are companies for making money, not academic institutions...

And other than that, why don't you submit some evidence to support that Chinese patents are empty and only for patent count (while US patents somehow have substance)? Without evidence, you are squarely in the realm of fantasy, which is where Trump supporters generally dwell.

That literally doesn't mean anything.

I'd advise to ignore the troll :(


I'd advise to ignore the troll :(
Nah, you know me by now. When there's a troll, I hunt. I don't let them or anyone out there reading think that they might have a point that's difficult to challenge, causing the silence.
I love the responses from you guys. You have clearly been drinking too much PRC koolaid if you think my rationality, and unbiased views are paranoia.
People giving you facts and figures from American media articles are drinking "PRC Koolaid" while you, a person who can provide no citations, facts, or figures, are rational and unbiased? LOL Trump's people are funny as hell...

I don't think they're paranoia; there is very much competition between China and the US. But they are not rational or unbiased, and not even true as factually demonstrated by your inability to back them up with sources and/or citations. You can call Harry Potter non-fiction all you want but it won't make him come to life LOL
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It seems we have a moderator gone rogue, several of my posts have gone missing. What's wrong, are dissenting opinions not allowed here ?
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