The Yuan can be in the same position like the "petro"dollar, all that China needs to do is the next:
1. open up the Chinese bond market for foreigners
2. stop to buy treasuries
3. open up the banking system , and the transactions.
Easy, after that China will show trade deficit, and will behave like the US.
Of course the unemployment will grow, and the debt level of government/economy will increase .
The dollar is an opportunity for everyone, to get dollar by making an arbitrage on the US/foreigner salaries. It gives big power to the USA government above the trade surplus nations. And this paid by the US middle class.
To paraphrase Trotsky, this is precisely why "the American Empire has dynamite built into its foundations". Anyone who thinks that this is a good idea for any country to follow has to be an ideologue, because it invariably exacerbates wealth inequality.