Well I suggest people don't bring up their religion in this forum. Bringing up God is an excuse for people not to answer questions. China has been around longer than the bible says there was an Earth and we're suppose to not question it? The Chinese have to rewrite their own history to accomodate a historical oppressor of China that denied rights left and right while thinking they're the greater victim? If you don't want to hear your religion being questioned, don't bring it up in the first place. Every time someone brings up God in here, it has no context in any discussion. The people complaining about the rules being broken have no problem bringing up God which happens to also be against the rules in here. God doesn't have to follow rules hence why they get to skip that one. Just because you can't win a discussion, it doesn't mean it's unprovoked Western bashing. You're suppose to get your way then you believe there's no Western bashing in here, right? Again like I've noted before, some people think that free speech is they can say anything they want but if any one questions or challenges it, their free speech is being denied. In here it's called Western bashing. China is being attacked by the US and as usual the Chinese are suppose to take it and not counter... I don't care whatever subject people bring up in here just as long as someone like me can respond in kind. But if that's not okay with people who can't defend their arguments, then you snowflakes shouldn't be given a pass and be protected either. It doesn't need to be a person either. Plenty of articles from the West are filled with sloppy anti-China journalism. I'm not in the F-35 thread much but one time I posted a negative article from an American journalist and I was instantly accused of America bashing. Well I can see some in here complaining about the conduct of members where that's all they do in here is post negative news on China. So what are you complaining about?
I thought religion is not allowed?!