Russian soldier uses a TM-62 land mine like a very large grenade into a house with Ukrainian soldiers, allegedly six of whom were inside. This same guy previously used a TM-62 land like a demolition explosive on a house occupied by Ukrainian troops. This action took place somewhere in Niu York.
Third time someone used a TM-62 land mine as a grenade, hurling it to a Ukrainian holdout. These actions with the TM-62 are all occuring in the Russian assault in Niu York.
TM-62 mines began to be used to storm buildings in Ukraine. The Russian army began to use TM-62 anti-tank mines in Ukraine as grenades, and several cases have already been recorded. Why is this done? This method allows you to avoid storming the building, since the mine actually destroys the building. It is worth noting that with this method of assault, the soldier himself may receive a concussion. Presumably, a hole is drilled in the TM-62 mines and a grenade fuse is inserted there, since the video shows a soldier pulling the pin from the mine.
That's nuts. It's dangerous enough that one method is to emplace the mine, pull the pin, and run away. But to *first* pull the pin, chuck the mine into the building, and run away? JFC. It looks like the throwers are barely getting away in time -- and that's when things go *right*. Imagine if one of those guys in the videos had misjudged the toss, and instead of going through the opening the mine had hit the building and bounced back.