The War in the Ukraine


Registered Member
According to DPA's mapping --- he heavily uses Suriyak Maps, Deep State UA, and Rybar's reports --- Wagnerians are now about only 300 meters to the main highway on the south although there are houses blocking the line of sight. Even if there is a defensive line there the highway can still be scouted by drones and hit with indirect mortar and tank fire. The two roads to the north have a longer distance at this moment but lacks obstacles, presenting a clear line of fire to ATGMs and tank guns.

I don't think China will ever send weapons to Ukraine but there's a school of thought among the Chinese internet that if the US keeps sending arms to Taiwan and Ukraine, China should send some to Russia to match.

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Junior Member
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Good Read…on Russian tactics and organization for assault…A shift from BTGs to Assault Units and Detachment
very strange configuration, something is clearly not right:
1 - a single D-30 assigned to a company? that is not how howitzer works. at company level it just overcomplicates command and control and logistics, better to just give the commander an extra mortar.
2 - distinct lack of engineer assets. i guess there is a shortage overall so they concentrate it at a higher level? but it does not resolve the issue of mine clearing.
3 - the platoons are very small compared to a typical nato armies, more like a large squad. i imagine in this case they can even take a look at how the USMC use their squads, since they have roughly the same number of people.


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How long do you think till Bakhmut falls. Also if Bakhmut falls do you think Donestks will fall to Russia in general?


Registered Member
The Russians filled a UR-77 with TNT and waited for Ukrainians to approach it. When a Ukrainian column came, the Russians detonated the UR-77 remotely. This took place at Kremennaya.

Ukrainian ammo depot hit by artillery.

ATGM hits a Ukrainian fortified shelter.

Humvee gets blown up to pieces by artillery.

Bakhmut updates. Ukrainians have departed from the east side of the river. The Russians will conduct clean up and mop up operations in the area for the next few days.



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Claims of this being a Kinzhal but seems unlikely, then again I don't how Mach 12 is supposed to look like

The altitude is too low. It flies over 30 km high and would not be seen. Its “plume” would only be visible while the engine is running and this only happens in the first third of the trajectory. It is also not plasma because most likely it is invisible. Nor is it glare produced by air drag in the cell.

It still looks like the same type of missile that was used in the beginning:

It's not Kinzhal, but it could be the Silver Surfer!