Lieutenant General
I don't disagree at all that china is ahead in drone tech however I consider that a niche product. Russia is lacking in that area probably due to lack of resources and available industries concentrating in that area of their military establishment.
SSNs, SSBNs and ICBMs are far more niche than drones, which are positively becoming mainstream to the point of directly competing with manned assets for resources, and winning.
But the general principle applies to both.
China has been spending and investing mainly in conventional weapons, like drones and fighters and warships, whereas Russia has been focusing their resources on more strategic assets like SSNs, SSBNs, ICBMs, nukes bombers and the like.
As such, there are a lot of synergies between the two that could be exploited to hugely benefit both, whereby China provides Russia with top class conventional weaponry while Russia helps to fill hopes with China's strategic assets.
The main stumbling block has been Russian pride in buying weapons from the old top client, and also concerns regarding the transfer of strategic military assets.
It remains to be seen if those constraints could be overcome to make such transfers to happen.
You have to remember that despite all the investment, it is only in recent years that China has started to spend big on SSNs and SSBNs, so it will take time for all that investment to pay off.
In addition, I think there is a structural problem with China's nuclear sub builders in that they are treated as a national strategic assets, and as such granted special privileges that means they have not had the same competitive pressures applied to them as China's other shipyards have endured, and so are probably a lot less efficient and behind the times in terms of the uptake of the latest technologies and techniques.
Given how good Chinese SSKs have gotten, and the massive investment China is making in civilian nuclear energy, China has all the necessary tools, skills and resources to make world class SSNs and SSBNs.
So hopefully we will see big decreases in noise levels with every new boat type launched.