The number of Chinese people here

bd popeye

The Last Jedi
VIP Professional
Here to see a number of domestic can not see, I feel very fresh


What are you trying to say? Please use your very best English. This is an English language Chinese military forum.

By the way we have a large number of Chinese people in this forum from all over the World.

Autumn Child

Junior Member
Mostly overseas chinese active here...though i wonder how many members are accessing this forum directly from China like me...

though you won't see too much new things here in term of politics which is what the chinese govt are censoring. You will realize that our hardworking moderators are more effective at sensoring politics here :). Might be one of the most important reason why this forum is accessable from china and hopefully will still be in the future.
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New Member
Its very International, most mods seem to be 'Foreigners' (from Chinese point of view) though.

I also wonder how many are actual Mainlanders. I'm technically not.
What are you trying to say? Please use your very best English. This is an English language Chinese military forum.

By the way we have a large number of Chinese people in this forum from all over the World.
I think he means its good to see some 'kinsmen' around, the Chinese bits just mean 'thanks'. Sometimes Chinese people on the internet are not so eloquent in expressing themselves in English, I've also had my "broken Engrish" phase. Okay I'm probably still having it :p (But you'll have to ask him yourself what he's thanking CCTV for XD)


New Member
Thats quite broken there gege~

Are you trying to say "China could not have imagined to become so powerful"?
Or perhaps "The World would never have expected China to become so powerfu"?
Or "China couldn't dream to come near as powerful (as some other force)"?

Broken Engrish is hard to translate when the text is short and its hard to determine the context from the conversation XD