I'm not really that knowledgeable about Chinese politics, but from what I read so far, Jiang's faction wants further development for the cities, industry and economic growth.
Hu's faction cares more about equal growth, transfer wealth to the country side, developing inland provinces.
Both faction agrees on foreign policy and political control and controlling corruption and all that. The major difference is probably competing for who is the boss. Jiang never really give up his power after he step down, Jiang's power base is very much base on him personally, while Hu's power base is not as much as based on Hu himself as much as a group of people with similar background, and so far Jiang's power is dominating over Hu's faction for the past 10 years, and look like it will still be that way for a while to come. I think after Hu step down, no one will be in control of his faction, so it is very possible his faction would just give up and seek comprise with Jiang.
You're right on. According to my friend, there can be seen as either 2 or 3 factions, with bo representing the 3rd. 2 will be reformist vs maoist, while 3 will be jiang, hu, bo.
somewhat they will represent our shares of left(bo), moderate(hu), and right (jiang), and i hope i don't i didn't oversimply this analogy