The Korean war

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Banned Idiot
Regarding the treatment of prisoners:

The Chinese did send captured US troops to be re-educated or to learn Chinese Communism. Captured US troops were not always fed well or lived in good conditions, but neither did Chinese troops. This was because China was VERY poor during this time, not because China was trying to be cruel.

US troops did sent back letters to families stating racist opinions of Chinese soldiers and people in general. MacArthur was tops when it came to this, and he wanted to nuke China many times.

According to Chinese reports, US did torture Chinese troops. Captured US troops reported a much lower rate of torture than captured Chinese troops.

US military strongly denies this, but captured Vietnamese soldiers in Vietnam have said the US tortures prisoners of war. The US military has minimized tortures in both Iraqi wars and the Afghan war, but it still goes on.


Junior Member
VIP Professional
I could be wrong, but I was told that the Korean War prevented an invasion of Taiwan. Supposedly, the Chinese military was arming and getting prepared to invade Taiwan (with what boats to transport them to Taiwan, I don't know), but the Korean War being so close to China and with North Korea rapidly collapsing after MacArthur's Inchon Landing, China had no choice but to "delay" their invasion and focus instead on fighting off the US (and UN).

Little did they know that the "delay" has lasted over 50 years so far.

Can anyone else confirm this or was what I was told incorrect?
==Well, the sequence of events isn't all correct, the US sent the 7th fleet to Taiwan as soon as the Korean war broke out, before the Chinese intervened in Korea.


The war provided an opportunity or an excuse to send a fleet to Taiwan. The effect is the same. It may have prevented an invasion of Taiwan.

asif iqbal

Lieutenant General
China should never had joined the war everyone knows North Korean used China then turned to Soviet Union, North Korea used China while it could and then when China wasnt need they went off with Soviets, when in 1991 Soviets was gone North Korea come back to China when they realise they need aid and money.

Had China not interfered today North Korea would have been a economic powerhouse just like South Korea. Just look at the difference between North and South its not hard to see who won the war and which descision was better.

China has had most unfortunate history with so many bad decisions Mao think he could get weapons from Soviets if he fight US and establish military industry instead Stalin never delivered and China was trapped into a war it never had to fight.

If China never entered the korean war today 20 million would be living free life instead its like a human zoo North Koreans are most unfortunate people on planet earth

asif iqbal

Lieutenant General
My opinion...

The only reason china helped korea during the korean war was because they didn't want america next to their border. If you look on a map north korea is right next to manchuria. and the manchurian factories at that time were suppiled by a Hydroelectric plant on the Yula river. If the americans had control of these plants then they could easily slow chinas recovery.

This actoin could have been made before a invasion of china itself by KMT forces which had just been ousted by the communist. A invasion of chian during this time was really real. Mac arthur even planned to use nukes on chinas coast and KMT troops in burma

If china didn't attacked american forces then it would have been almost surrounded on 3 sides.



manchuria was under Jap control for long time China never had alot of resources there Soviets grabbed the land in closing day of WWII just like they did with Sakhlain and Kuril islands

US was never going to cross the Yalu river they just wanted to reach that river so no weapons comes from Soviets into Korea

fact of the matter is that Soviets trapped North Korea and China into war against US and this resulted in terrible loss for both country and infact Soviets promised to help China never materilised they just used China to fight US, Stalin never supplied the much needed weapons

but one question i do always ask is why did US and China not sit down and talk, if US gave China assurance that they will not cross Yalu river China would not have entered the war had they agreed on this part china wouldnt have entered the war

If China and US had diplomatic ties they could have come to a agreement which would have been good for both sides US never really planned to attack China because they seen failed Japanese attempt even after 2 decades Japanese failed so why would US make such mistakes again? US never wanted to attack China they just wanted to stop North Korea and reach Yalu river and call it a day, China should have stayed neutral and agreed to these terms and today Asia would have been stable without this crazy man called Kimmy


Junior Member
china has to enter the war just for pure self interest, US may not intend to cross the Yalu, but it will definately pose a threat to China, since US can easily deploy its army along the border which will require China to deploy large amount of force to guard Manchuria, and more importantly Manchuria was the heavy industry hub for China. Also from pure history perspective, all the major japanese invasions were conducted from Korea, first one in Tang, then Ming and then Qing, Korea is the most important buffer zone for China and there is no way for the Chinese government to watch and see Korea fall. Also the fighting in Korea really boosted the moral of Chinese people, it is the first time in the century for China actully stopped a western power.
As for the life of Korean and the development of SK etc, it is simply not a consideration in that time, national interest forced China to protect Korea, simple as that.

Violet Oboe

Junior Member
So what...? Of course Stalin played a shrewd game; that was simply what he was used to since his old hey days as ´revolutionary expropriator´ (i.e. georgian gangster version of Jesse James...).:D

Mao was certainly not that naive for harboring any illusions about Stalin and his korean puppet Kim Il Sung but he was wary about having the American's on the Yalu border. Without doubt he was completely aware that for putting up a fight against the US China would have to pay a heavy price in wealth and blood.

Mao was willing to pay this price (...ultimately his own son) and since the end of the Korean war no major power ever dared to attack China again. Unfortunately major powers have to prove in history that messing up with them gets inevitably ugly and Mao fully understood that lesson. :nono:

asif iqbal

Lieutenant General
So what...? Of course Stalin played a shrewd game; that was simply what he was used to since his old hey days as ´revolutionary expropriator´ (i.e. georgian gangster version of Jesse James...).:D

Mao was certainly not that naive for harboring any illusions about Stalin and his korean puppet Kim Il Sung but he was wary about having the American's on the Yalu border. Without doubt he was completely aware that for putting up a fight against the US China would have to pay a heavy price in wealth and blood.

Mao was willing to pay this price (...ultimately his own son) and since the end of the Korean war no major power ever dared to attack China again. Unfortunately major powers have to prove in history that messing up with them gets inevitably ugly and Mao fully understood that lesson. :nono:

well maybe you have forgotten vietnam in 1979 and USSR in 1962 anyhow how did US-China relationship fall apart i mean during WWII they were allies what happened to them? was it as simple as capatilist vs communist?

Violet Oboe

Junior Member
Well, in 1979 China attacked Vietnam for retaliating against Vietnam's occupation of PRC's ally Khmer Rouge Cambodia and demonstrating that Hanoi's protector the Sovietunion would not dare to go to war with China on behalf of Vietnam's hegemonial designs for SE Asia. Obviously the political aim of punishing Hanoi for her behaviour was achieved but the military record of the PLA (though only second and third line troops were employed) was mixed at best.

As for your mentioning of the 1969 border clashes with the USSR: This episode only serves to prove that the PRC had won up to this date enough credibility (e.g. PLA had already tested a 3 Mt thermonuclear weapon in '67:D) to deter even a superpower like the former Sovietunion from invading the mainland. Of course Mao made a dangerous gamble since he knew that Moscow could make a devastating incursion into northern China under the umbrella of her vastly superior nuclear forces but after all he was correct in assuming that Brezhnev would not take that kind of incalculable risk.

(...the US watched this developments closely and a couple of years later Nixon came to Mao's strategy had indeed paid off!:D)
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