The Chinese gymnasts story - the plot thickens

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Mr T

Senior Member
yehe, Ekaterini Thanou is a sprinter. She wasn't caught taking drugs, but banned by the IOC under its own powers because of what happened in 2004. I'm not sure that I would say she should be allowed to participate, but I don't like the way it happened. The IOC only bans drug cheats for two years, so if she had actually been caught then she would be allowed to compete by now.

I would much prefer it if people were given a life ban automatically, unless there was strong evidence that it had been accidental (such as the gymnast who took the cough medicine). If the IOC wants to argue that the two years allows people like her to get back into the game, doesn't that rather show that current system is unfair as it results in too many false positives?

Mr T

Senior Member
The majority of journalists attribute the growing nationalism of the Chinese "angry youth" as the product of insidious government propaganda or some other inane psychobable, when the real cause, so clear to the Chinese, but invisible, or more likely, unwilling to be seen by China's detractors, is this constant bombardment of anti-Chinese and sometimes thinly veiled racist attacks.

If that's the case, then it is also the fault of other Chinese for not standing up to fenqing and telling them when they're wrong. Frequently fenqing dominate discussions online with few voices of protest that they're going too far and making generalisations - sometimes even the moderators don't try to control their hate.

Government propaganda isn't the main State-related problem, it's actually censorship that makes it difficult for commentators and authors to criticise the viewpoints that fenqing often follow because they're often linked to government policy. There is a lot of fenqing anger over history in China, but you can't address that if the censors try to block opinion/books/etc that criticise the government line on particular historical issues.


Junior Member
Personally, the only fault i could see was the lip syncing girl...only because it was unfair the real singer didnt get the exposure she deserved.

it is called 双簧, it is a traditional Chinese performance. One person is on stage just acting, while the other hides in the back fills in the voice. The idea is that the person on stage could focusing on putting up a good show, without worry about singing a good song. It was pretty obvious the little girl was lip-singing, you don't bit your lips while singing, it's just like the Mcdonald's commercial. For that performance they had recorded thousands of little girls singing and had back ups. I think all of them deserve some credit, but this is just life.

Mr T

Senior Member
All the so-called experts Westerners are putting on TV say they're underage.

I haven't seen them, so I can't care less about what they said.

The prejudice your'e using when you pick and choose information you want to believe from a source the West deems as notoriously unrelaible.

You're the one who is prejudiced, given you keep talking about "the West" as if every country that might fall into that term is the same.

As for the Chinese media, you know full well that it's criticised mostly for censorship and bias - the principle complaint is not that it gets people's ages wrong.

They're bigger than everyone everyone else and I'm not talking about height.

As I said, if other countries want to keep their athletes light by controlling their diet, that's their choice. But if the American coaches want to increase their calorie intake and send them to the gym because they think that's a better tactic, that is also their choice.

Maybe you're a dentist now along a gymnastic expert.

I have never held myself out to be an expert. Don't sulk because someone else might know more than you do about a subject.

Now you admit that US olympians are suspect with the Flo-Jo. There's more around that time accuse of the same thing. American athletes are clean, huh?

Oh, so ALL American athletes are dirty or suspect because of Flo-Jo (not "the Flo-Jo")? Is that what you are saying?

female athletes that start from a young age doing suffer from a form of age-stopping. Many female athletes don't get their periods until they stop training and for some that's not until their 20s. Another fact about gymnasts is that they are unnaturally short.

There is short compared to normal people, and short for a gymnast - that's the point. And none of that would explain the teeth matter.

One the Chinese gymasts whose age is in question was taller than Shawn Johnson.

Have accusations of cheating said that ALL the gymnasts were under age?

Michael Phelps hasn't gotten criticism from Chinese because there were no Chinese in a position for contention for his medal. So again you show your lack of knowlegdge.

No, you show your inability to read what I write. I said clearly:

how many events have China been surprised to lose to someone in a gold medal final?

If China did not expect to win a gold when Phelps did in that event, why would the Chinese team call him a cheat?

What does their training regime have to do with cheating?

Because that shows that SOME ARTICLES have said the swimmer won because of training, not cheating - when you've been making generalisations about foreign media bias.

Are you really going to contradict yourself again when you yourself have pointed out Flo-Jo.

Do you read what I write, or just make a snap judgment?

Chinese female swimmers have not had a good medal record if you remove the cheats. That is why a new Chinese swimmer without much/any previous international wins/form will be suspect.

You do know that Olympic athletes are immediately drawn specimens for testing right after their competition ends?

So? You don't need to use drugs during a competition to benefit - during training is enough.

Winning a lot of medals is proof that people haven't cheated?

No, it's a reason why people don't get accused of cheating because of where they come from. If a country has good form in a sport, new athletes are under less suspicion.

And US athletes have been exposed as cheating. Are you in denial again. We've gone through this before.

Yes, and I've never said US athletes have never been exposed as cheats. Why the hell do you think I mentioned Flo-Jo?

Notice that article doesn't have a name to confirm this story?

Sure, give out her name so that she can be kicked off the course for exposing what goes on......

We've already gone through this bit about you believing in notorious unreliable sources when you chose to.

And as I said, criticism is not primarily factual stuff but bias and censorship.

I think it's already proven that you're in no position to lecture anyone with all your errors and denials you've shown here.

Any errors I have made are tiny compared to the fact that you are unable (or unwillng) to read my comments properly and don't even seem to know who is who in gymnastics.

On denials, you have made up nonsense about how I have claimed all Americans are clean.

The IOC doesn't have final say in their own Olympics?

First, it isn't "their Olympics" - they don't own it. As far as I understand they govern by convention. But in any case, they don't control all the sports. They let the governing bodies for those sports get on with it, though they might liaise.

I've read that the IOC checked previous records they've obtained that is consistent with what those very passports.

Great - post the articles and quote the material (translated if in Chinese for the non-Chinese speakers in the forum, please).


Senior Member
You're the one who is prejudiced, given you keep talking about "the West" as if every country that might fall into that term is the same.

As for the Chinese media, you know full well that it's criticised mostly for censorship and bias - the principle complaint is not that it gets people's ages wrong.

The term 'west' is also widely used among the 'west' to define as the group with certain similar 'values/thinking' etc if U get what I mean so I don't think it's usage indicates any prejudice.
Chinese media is criticized for censorship. Bias/distortion is I think mostly reserved for 'western' media.


Senior Member
The Doping Journal has already caught Michael Phelps cheating. Apparently, him and his coaches have figured out that listening to music right before the start of the competition increases blood oxygen uptake levels! Michael Phelps is created by very clever sports scientists. When are they going to review his tapes, showing him listening to music just before going into the water, and strip him of all his medals?

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A Koudinov. Scientific evidence invalidates Beijing 2008 Olympic Swimming medals
The Doping Journal Vol. 5, 2 (13 August 2008)

Did you notice that Michael Phelps wears earphones and is listening music just before his every Olympic start, at Beijing's Olympiad Water Cube pool deck, be it finals or semifinals? I first noticed that before his first gold swim on August 10: Phelps removed earphones 2 minutes before the start, and he was the only swimmer who worn earphones at the pool deck. Intriguing scientific evidence testifies: Listening to music improves blood oxygen capacity and is a performance enhancement.

There could be several mechanisms, says Stefan Koelsch of Max Planck Institute for Human Cognitive and Brain Sciences, in Leipzig, Germany, who has published 40 articles on the subject of how the body reacts to music. Dr. Koelsch says that "music can have influences on the breathing rate (e.g. via emotional effects such an increased arousal) which will alter oxygen levels in the blood, or relaxing effects (so that fewer muscles consume oxygen, which also increases oxygen levels)." He says that his group "has reported clear changes in breathing rate on a conference last year, with breathing rate being higher during pleasant music." In line with Koelsch conclusion are the data of the research article by Luciano Bernardi group of the University of Pavia, Italy, implying that the withdrawal of music shortly before the swim race induces relaxing effects noted by Koelsch.

Evidence comes from the research done with human infants. It showed that music causes better saturation of hemoglobin with oxygen (a so-called SPO(2) parameter, compared with control subjects receiving no music, indicating an "enhancement of oxygen transfer") and that increased by music, oxygen saturation returns to the baseline faster compared with control, making it hard to detect the transient oxygen saturation shortly thereafter. While Koelsch preferred his own explanation on how music can improve body oxygen capacity, Dr. Alexander Cherniak, a researcher at the Chuchalin Pulmonology Institute of Moscow, Russia agrees that medical experimentation with infants allows good standardization of the research protocol, appropriate statistics and could be projected onto the adults.

So what? Can one call listening to music shortly before entering the swimming pool for competition a performance enhancement? Yes, say both Koelsch and Cherniak. If so, how long could this enhancement last? "Duration [of the effect is] not certain, from seconds to minutes," adds Koelsch. Beijing Olympic and world records by Phelps fall into the expert's projected time frame. Yes, testifies Dr. Vance Bergeron, of Ecole Normale Superieure de Lyon, Laboratoire de Physique in Lyon, France: "[M]usic next to the swimming pool, less than 2 minutes before the start could indicate performance enhancement because of transient increase of blood oxygen capacity."

Bergeron adds that such a performance enhancement is "a bio-chemical feedback mechanism from an external source. The external source in the present case, music, is available to everyone, not harmful to the athlete or his peers, and carried out under full disclosure, hence I do not see how this conflicts with fair play and honesty," but says that "I am not an expert on the World Anti-Doping Agency (WADA)."

Well, one doesn't have to be an expert on WADA policies, as the scientific evidence provided herein enforces all to take WADA code as is. The Prohibited List 2008 of The World Anti-Doping Code reads:

The following are prohibited:
2. Artificially enhancing the uptake, transport or delivery of oxygen...

Straightforward ruling results in a straightforward conclusion: Listening to music through earphones before the start is in line with other measures prohibited. Therefore, Phelps' Beijing swimming golds is faked and should go to others who battle for it fairly.

bd popeye

The Last Jedi
VIP Professional
Enough is enough..You guys are over the top. Aparenmtly this thread has turned in to an East Vs west war. Guess what? The war is over. Nobody wins.


bd popeye super moderator
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