but you only need the speed by starting- and landing operations, not when you clean the deck, supply and arm new planes there ....
True enough. Mostly you are just going in slow circles....
in deed, you'r right - but do you think the PLAN will start with this full operations? Didn't they should first train touch and go, starting and landing operations by a small number of (test-)pilots and add new pilots step by step; the full operational deck-management will come after a long time of training (compare to the russians: they startet there first night operations after long years of pilots training)
They have to start somewhere. After the crew learns how to operate the ship then flight ops can begine. first with a few "Touch and go's"..then arrested landings. And launches. Gradually building to more operational capablity as they get profecient. Don't expect 12 hour cyclic ops like the USN after a few weeks. They will train to suit the needs of the PLAN.