Tajikistan decides China,Russia,Pakistan over NATO


New Member
Indians are naive and over ambitious to think that Central Asia is somehow close to their sphere of interest due to proximity to their country, for that proximity entails having to go thru Pakistan. India is merely wasting its money and resources on a poor landlocked nation which is desperate for assistance but shares no loyalty to such a foreign and illplaced culture as India is in Central India. Pakistan and China are ideally suited to form a tight knit alliance and strenghten their presence in Central Asia. Providing depth, diversity and experience for Pakistan and more influence for China. Relations between Tajikistan and Pakistan are on course to improve due to natural and logical proximity as well as for greater economic and social/cultural similarities(many Tajik migrants work in Pakistan) and their combined fear of the Extremism fanning out of Afghanistan, threatening stability in both countries. India's stance is mere sabber rattling of a third or even fourth rate power which despite its massive armed forces and introduction of nuclear weopons in South Asia has failed to show any success or promise in any of its major wars with smaller, lesser armed nations.:cool: