Beijing sulks in the corner or Chen being a moron?
For someone who proclaims an open mind and neutrality, you certainly are not very open and not very neutral. If you want to play the devil's advocate, fine, but at least play it for both sides. If you don't, then stop spilling that neutrality horse shit.
The most common attitude on this forum on this subject is
"waaah, waaah, waaah Chen this, waaah, waaah, waaah, Taiwan that". So it is actually necessary for me to put the other side across
if there is to be any sense of neutrality at all. If some people could actually think about both sides rather than just their own, I wouldn't need to make comments like that.
Your very question as to whether Chen is being a "moron" shows you are far from being neutral yourself. Clever people sometimes sulk, but "moron" is a completely negative term. If you're going to scold me for not being balanced enough, at least try to create the illusion you're non-partisan.
Chen does get a little rowdy sometimes, but given the state of limbo his home is in, the pressures put on Taiwan by China & the US, the demolition of its international ties by China, the Opposition repeatedly vetoing any laws he tries to create because they're throwing a temper-tantrum about something (even if they actually agree with the law), etc, I would say he generally acts with restraint. I think most people with even a little national pride and self-worth would be driven mad after nearly two terms in office of that.
China complains whenever Chen does something it doesn't like, but it is completely oblivious to all the things Chen could have done and many would say would have been completely justified to do. He has walked a tight-rope to please Beijing and Washington - just because he stops from time-to-time to waive to the crowd doesn't mean he's a "moron", "jerk" or "the worst criminal in history".
More importantly if Chen is the problem, why is it that China refuses to talk to
anyone from the Taiwanese government or ruling party? Don't tell me they're all as "bad" as the President. The DPP has even pledged to drop its independence commitment if China would talk without caveats as to what people must do and say beforehand. If that's not a sign of diplomatic sulking (or another form of negative behaviour), I'm not sure what is.
who else? The notorious Dr. Fu of course.
Yeah, notorious because he isn't afraid to stick it to someone who's talking absolute trash. Well sorry for rocking the boat, but you could write your posts with just a little more common-sense and empathy for anyone other than yourself.