Taiwan Military News, Reports, Data, etc.


Junior Member
Well If I understand, this Mr Scheuenmann would be also involded as a lobbyist in the upcoming fighter planes market in Romania. This country selected Dassault Rafale, Eurofighter Typhoon, SAAB Gripen... and F-16 (refurbished) to replace their old F-5.
This kind of political lobbying highly upset Eastern european partners though...

Concerning the arm sales issue to Taiwan, I recently heard that the french army would have some Mirage 2000-9 to sell at a "bargain" price. These planes would come from the deal with United Arabian Emirates that will probably buy 60 Rafales before end of 2008. In exchange french Army will get the UAE 2000-9 fleet back. For those who know the Mirages, the 2000-9 standard is simply the best (from the laser radars to the multirole capabilities, it s often compared to an almost 4th generation aircraft). I dare say they re far better than refurbished F-16 B/C to Taiwan. This week one french newspaper gave Pakistan as the main potential customer. But other countries are also interested...

Mr T

Senior Member
Isn't a pro-arms sales government good for Taiwan then? If I read the article correctly.

Of course it would be, but that isn't the point of the article. It's attacking McCain because of who he is linked to.

But, hey, if Taiwan gets the arms, it gets the arms.


Junior Member
French Army would have a few Mirage 2000-9 (the best version of Mirage Fighter Aircraft) to sell. They would get them back from UAE which want to purchase 60 Rafales with probably the F3 standard indeed.
As mentioned in some french newspapers, France could sell them to Pakistan or to any other country, so why not to Taiwan ROC?

Mr T

Senior Member
As mentioned in some french newspapers, France could sell them to Pakistan or to any other country, so why not to Taiwan ROC?

A few Mirage 2000-9s wouldn't be worth it to France or Taiwan. Upgrading the existing fleet would be more worthwhile for both parties.

I'm sure France would have watched China's reaction to the US sale with interest, but it would want to sell something that it can make a lot of money on to ensure any damage is worth it. I'd be surprised if we saw a single sale like Mirage upgrades - it would be something bigger, or part of a larger package if it happened at all.
Time to boost the budget on the military so planes won't all fall on the ground? Whats your opinions this guys?

What kind of logic is that? The US has lost aircraft during training even with its massive defense budget.. the PLA has been increasing its budget greatly over the last several years yet as recently as the last few months has suffered two J-8 crashes, as well as the experimental Y-8/9? last year.