Hmm. I'm not sure if we've been reading the same article. I read several in Traditional Chinese that said different stuff... for example, here's one article I found that seems to be a little different from what you've been reading.
兵推凸槌 我指揮中斷 共軍趁隙登陸
輕裝後備部隊 驍勇善戰
紀德艦擋關 重創敵船
Cross posted from another forum...
Quick version: ROC Army screw up. Taipei was under PLA invading force's threat when the exercise ended.
PLAN landing force divided into 2, north and south. The north invading force was beating back by ROCN's special task force of 4 Kidd DDGs, and forced the landing force to suffer 25% damages. But the ROCN lost contact with the beaten PLAN landing force, which was retreating toward ML. That certain landing force received re-enforcement and tried to land on northern Taiwan again on the 4th day of the exercise.
In the same time, Taiwan's GSHQ lost contact with the ROC Army 6th Army Corp, which was in charge of defnding northern Taiwan, including Taipei. The invading PLA force able to land on northern Taiwan and started heading toward Taipei, and managed to attack 6th Army Corp's HQ and GSHQ itself. The exercise ended as ROC Army MP units guarding Taipei were all threw into the front line. At that time, PLA invasion force managed to land in large number, and enjoy control fo the air over Taiwan.
The tank/armor units wise, all were rushed to northern Taiwan, which left central and southern Taiwan with only mech inf(regular) and light infantry(reserve) units. 10th Army Corp were pretty much wiped out, without armor support, only the huge reservist units(called up) tried to help and held.
Navy wise, the 4 Kidd were grouped together and sent north to stop one of the invading force, which was different than the split 4 Kidds into 2 task forces to guard north and south of Taiwan. Also, ROCAF preserved enough fighter to provide air cover for the task force. But the ROCN wasn't able to stop the PLAN invasion in the south.
There are several other articles if you're interested...
War simulations reveal communication problem 2006-05-01
According to a media report, a failure to communicate contributed to the military's failure to repel Chinese forces during a computerized war game
The Chinese military was able to land in the northern part of the country during computerized war game simulations due to a disconnect between the command center and the army, a media report said yesterday.
The annual Han Kuang computer exercise took place from April 17 to April 22. According to a report in the Liberty Times (the Taipei Times' sister newspaper), the military did well in a sea battle in the Taiwan Strait. But because of a breakdown in communication between the command center and the the Sixth Army, which is in charge of ground defense in the north, the Chinese ground troops were able to reach land and march to Taipei.
The report quoted a Ministry of National Defense official as saying that "during the third day of the simulation, Chinese vessels crossing the Taiwan Strait were under fierce attack from the navy's four Kidd Class destroyers." The destroyers helped to repel 25 percent of the enemy's invading force before it could reach the northern shores, and the attackers were forced to make for shores further south, the report said.
However, by the night of the third day, the frustrated Chinese invading force suddenly turned its attention to the north once more after gaining support from further vessels. Troops then successfully landed on the shores between Tamsui (淡水) and Chinsan Township (金山), the report said.
Since the command center failed to inform the Sixth Army of the landing in a timely manner, the division was unable to block them in time, according to the report.
The report said the Chinese troops then swiftly advanced along the Yangjin Highway (陽金公路) toward Taipei. Although troops stationed in Taipei moved to the Yangmingshan area in an attempt to halt the Chinese advance, they failed because they were outnumbered and the Chinese were covered by air support, the report said.
The ministry announced the end of the war games when Chinese troops reached Taipei, the report added.
The report said the ministry considered the communication breakdown a serious flaw and had asked the military to improve its channels of communication.
The report added that the four Kidd Class destroyers were regarded as making a good contribution in the simulation. The navy initially deployed two of the destroyers in the south and two in the north. But when Chinese ships attempted to approach the north, the navy made a bold decision to deploy all four destroyers in the waters off the northern part of the country. The move paid off as the destroyers blocked the invading force from approaching Taipei.
So basically I'm not sure if we're talking about the same exercise. Either that or someone really screwed up on reporting the story.