no the data doesn't speak. the M829E3 is 830mm long but 934mm long with casing. Nor can your interreptation of the Russian or chinese info be right if they ar eusing shells 560-650mm long before propellant.
However assuming the 1780m/s velocity and the increase of 45% over the 2A46M1 firing a BM-42 at 1760
lets do the math again
Russian 6.5kg shell travelling at 1760m/s 3.25M*V^2=10,067,200J
45% increase would be roughly 4,500,000J so we are looking for a kinetic energy range around 14.4 million joules.
a 9kg shell gives us 4.5*1780^2= 14.257
a 9.5 kg shell gives us 15.04 so the shell weight has to be in the 9-9.5kg range. Yet pictures of the rounds show around 560mm leangth.
Now lets use your earleir figure of 30:1 at 560mm long the radius of the penetrator is 18.66~ mm.
now please explain where all that mass is hidden? The US round which is 10kg at 830mm has a radius (assuming the same 30:1 rule) of 27.66~mm
Obviously, the Chinese round isn't DU but rather it is made from UN (unobtainium)
besides the issue of shell mass, is the incredible pressures needed to accerlate the mass to 1780m/s and not blow the breach too pieces. Also neede dis the chemical formula to create a propellant cable of generating those pressures. Both the metallurgy and chemistry form such a feat would have massive spin off values we simply don't see reflected elsewhere in the PLA.
Imagine the upgrade market for T-55/Type 59's rearmed with a new super D-10T made from this super metal and rounds made form unobtainium propelled by this revoultionary propellant. Artilerry systems, loght cannon, civillian applications ect. Yet depsite the claims of the ZTZ-99 Chinese chemistry and metallurgy still lag behind the west in almost all criticla areas. China still can't make a decent high by pass turbofan as an example of chinese metlauurgy.
This is not an attack on China, the PRC has made huge strides, but it still ha sa ways to go before it joins the big boys in terms of engineering feats.