T-80 Tanks

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Banned Idiot
Come on, you fake my opinion now.

I never accept it and I don't know what's really like. Even Pakistan's MBT-2000 claims to have 30% more power than the latest 2A46.

Give me the source ,ok.


Banned Idiot
早在70年代,我国科研人员就展开了大口径坦克炮的研制工作,先后研制成功了120毫米,125毫米,130毫米等多种大口径坦克炮。在确定究竟选用哪种口径的坦克炮作为三代坦克主要武器的问题上,最初曾有120和125两种火炮之争,后经过了反复的比较分析后,三代坦克项目办最终决定在98式主战坦克上安装的是一门ZPT-98型50倍口径125毫米高膛压滑膛坦克炮,该炮采用多种新技术,新工艺,炮身采用高强度PCrNi3NoV,使身管的设计强度进一步提高,炮口动能比俄罗斯2A46M-1“轻剑-3”型125毫米火炮提高了近45%,比“豹”2A5和M1A1/A2上的Rh-120型120毫米火炮高近30%。由于对身管实施了液压自紧技术,从而满足了高膛压火炮身管强度问题;为了提高身管的耐烧蚀磨损寿命,火炮采用了全膛镀铬新工艺,内膛镀铬身管长6412毫米,使其寿命达到700发穿甲弹的水平,接近了世界先进水平。火炮的药室长880毫米,正常后坐距离为280毫米-320毫米,最大后坐距离为330毫米。火炮身管质量为2。02吨,炮闩质量为72公斤,回转部分质量为2。6吨。火炮身管的抗弯强度为4320牛/米,厚度公差为0。6毫米,工艺加工弯曲度为0。7密耳,自由误差为0。18密耳。射击精度比俄式2A46M-1“轻剑-3”式火炮提高了25%。经严格测试,ZPT-98型125 毫米坦克炮的总体结构紧凑,具有良好的综合性能。另外,该炮可前抽更换,更换可在1小时内完成,极大的缩短了更换炮管的时间。

99 gun information posted by some Chinese in 2002, I can't verify it correctness but it gives pretty much detail.

The R&D started in 70s, the steel used is PCrNi3NoV. It gives the same number for the fire power (850mm, 970mm), claims to be 45% more powerful than 2A46M-1.


Senior Member
99 gun information posted by some Chinese in 2002, I can't verify it correctness but it gives pretty much detail.

The R&D started in 70s, the steel used is PCrNi3NoV. It gives the same number for the fire power (850mm, 970mm), claims to be 45% more powerful than 2A46M-1.

Unless the Chinese are using an indigenous 125mm design that is free from influence from Russian designs, the 125mm gun has limitations as to the penetration with the best Russian ammunition. I would take those claims with a grain of salt, unless the Chinese have some revolutionary breakthrough in metallurgy and propellant technology that no one else is aware of.


New Member
China better hurry up with the development of a new supertank, because modern warfare is moving up quick. I mean, the US had been researching the Abrams since the 80s, and now they've gotten hundreds of them. Obviously, they're going to make more improvements in their next generation.


Junior Member
VIP Professional
99 gun information posted by some Chinese in 2002, I can't verify it correctness but it gives pretty much detail.

The R&D started in 70s, the steel used is PCrNi3NoV. It gives the same number for the fire power (850mm, 970mm), claims to be 45% more powerful than 2A46M-1.

The kinetic energy of the gun is as much a factor of the round as gun design. The Russian round of the same leangth needs 15000j to beat each mm of RHAe.(longer western rounds need 13000ish)

960x 15000= 14,400,000 or 2 million more joules than the M256/Rh120 L/44 of the Abrams firing a M829E3.

roughly speaking the the round would need to weight 7kg and travel at 2000m/s to achieve that performance. That is simply not possible

I don't care what the MBT2000/AK claims. The 125/L48 will not have 30% more power than a 125/L52

Also BTW, when did Russia sell China a 2A46M5?

your claims are not supportable


Banned Idiot
I don't care how you calculate it, since you quote Russia data.

You just make up some thing.

125/L48 ???? LOL, you know what the article talk about?

Kim Jong Il

Banned Idiot
The kinetic energy of the gun is as much a factor of the round as gun design. The Russian round of the same leangth needs 15000j to beat each mm of RHAe.(longer western rounds need 13000ish)

960x 15000= 14,400,000 or 2 million more joules than the M256/Rh120 L/44 of the Abrams firing a M829E3.

roughly speaking the the round would need to weight 7kg and travel at 2000m/s to achieve that performance. That is simply not possible

I don't care what the MBT2000/AK claims. The 125/L48 will not have 30% more power than a 125/L52

Also BTW, when did Russia sell China a 2A46M5?

your claims are not supportable

That may be a tough cannon but it still can not match the 120mm smouthbore cannon of the M1A2 MBT. :coffee:


Banned Idiot
The following is quoted from an editor article from the Chinese magazine "battle field", you see all data used are consistant:

type-98 is armed with a ZPT-98 125mm smoothbore gun with a length-diameter ratio of 50:1. the barrel is made of high-intensity PCrN13NoV, muzzle velocity is 45% higher than the russian 2A46M-1 type 125mm gun, 30% higher than RH-120 type 120mm gun on leo2A5 and M1A1/A2. hydraulic self-strengthening technology has resulted in a much stiffer barrel, the length is 6,412mm, it has a lifetime of 700 armor-pieceing rounds.

ammunition rounds used by type-98 include tungsten-uranium alloy APFSDS round using semi-combustble casing, FS-HEAT-FRG round and FS-MP-HESH round. a total of 41 rounds were carried, 22 stored within the autoloader. when firing third generation tungsten alloy APFSDS(initial speed 1,780m/sec), it could penetrate 850mm RHA at a distance of 2,000m. the latest special alloy armor-pieceing round can penetrate up to 960mm, the rod penetrator's length-diameter ratio is 30:1. the FS-MP-HESH is of a high-explosive type with extra explosive material packed inside.


Banned Idiot
Unless the Chinese are using an indigenous 125mm design that is free from influence from Russian designs, the 125mm gun has limitations as to the penetration with the best Russian ammunition. I would take those claims with a grain of salt, unless the Chinese have some revolutionary breakthrough in metallurgy and propellant technology that no one else is aware of.

Sino defence also claim PLA 125mm smoothbore gun is indigenous and not as early report claim copy of Russian origin. Only the autoloader may take from Russian.. Pls go read up on the section of Landwarfare of Type99.

The tank is fitted with a 125mm automatic smoothbore gun with thermal sleeve. In contrast to the early reports which claimed that the gun was a licensed copy of the Russian 2A46, it is actually an indigenous design, though the automatic loader is believed to be Russian origin.


Banned Idiot
I don't care how you calculate it, since you quote Russia data.

You just make up some thing.

125/L48 ???? LOL, you know what the article talk about?

I think is no point to argue with that zraver. Even you provide with a reliable source,that american guy just wouldn't admit lose. He is basically trying to tell People' daily is bullshitting all day.
People's daily is a very reputable official Chinese website. They will think twice before putting some debutable article.

While this zraver gives no backing but groundless assumption!
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