Syrian Civil War

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More abandoned regime tanks and vehicles including T-90's on the road between Hama and Khanaser:

More spoils of war from the 25th division headquarters (suhail):

Apparently the regime had 1/3 of its equipment in the north of the country. Safe to say they've lost it all.

Military base at Suruj captured:

Cross checking with pro-Russian and pro-Iranian channels, this is indeed true.
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A good number of SAA tanks and high-end military equipment have been abandoned. The SAA have been ambushed left and right when trying to conduct their counter-offensives. They have failed to hold onto their positions in Northern Syria, they have failed to counter-attack. This appears to be a textbook military collapse.


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Cross checking with pro-Russian and pro-Iranian channels, this is indeed true.
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A good number of SAA tanks and high-end military equipment have been abandoned. The SAA have been ambushed left and right when trying to conduct their counter-offensives. They have failed to hold onto their positions in Northern Syria, they have failed to counter-attack. This appears to be a textbook military collapse.
This is something that I have brought up months ago during the Israeli invasion of Lebanon. That Arabic National Armies have a horrendous track record in the history of modern warfare. Syria had almost collapsed in 2013-2015 if it wasn't for Hezbollah, Iran, and Russia coming to their rescue. Unfortunately in 2024, the same story is starting to repeating itself, but to a lesser extent. It seems like the way Arabs know how to fight best is through irregular militant groups like HTS, FSA, and Hezbollah.


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We all fall victim to rebranding at one or multiple moments in our lifes #latestagecapitalism

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Cross checking with pro-Russian and pro-Iranian channels, this is indeed true.
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A good number of SAA tanks and high-end military equipment have been abandoned. The SAA have been ambushed left and right when trying to conduct their counter-offensives. They have failed to hold onto their positions in Northern Syria, they have failed to counter-attack. This appears to be a textbook military collapse.
I've seen photos of a captured t-90 and tor AA. This is not the first time that arab armies with heavy vehicles routed against a bunch of dudes in sandals and pickup trucks. With the mass proliferation of low end UAVs the gap between run of the mill militia groups and professional military has only closed.

However, I'll probably also add that some rebels have been shown to be a bit more competent than typical militia due to heavy Turkish backing/training.
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There is something to be said about backing salafists to support your -very- short term interests and it is a movie we have seen played so many times before with the same results, which shows that outside of avoiding direct confrontation with Russia, NATO and Israel, Turkish foreing policy in the region is dumb as fuck, specially when somebody else can play the exact same game within Turkey.
In the long-run we're all dead. I don't support HTS or any sort of opposition forces for the very reason you mentioned, I don't believe that the jihadist elements are controllable in the long-term for any nation-state. That said, I don't believe Turkey believes otherwise, they are merely using them to harm their geopolitical enemies in the region.

I also don't think Turkey's foreign policy is dumb. I may not like it, but it's fairly rational and successful (in my view).
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