Star Wars & Sc-Fi Talk


Lieutenant General
He looks like he can play Han Solo to me.

If he's playing one of the twins he would be Han Solo's son. The rumored story which might have come from one of the sanctioned books is Han and Leia had twins, one boy and one girl, and the son turns to the dark side and the sister has to deal with him.


Senior Member
sci-fi fans should check out the UK TV series Black Mirror. not really hardcore sci-fi, but most episodes take place in the near-future. the series is a bit hit in China.


Lieutenant General
I saw Helix which is Ronald Moore's new show on Syfy channel. The verdict is still out because I'm not sure what it's about yet. It comes across like one of the main X-Files plots and John Carpenter's The Thing where it involves possibly an alien virus at an artic station. It looks like Jeri Ryan is a part of the show because she's seen in upcoming episodes.


Junior Member
Personally I have an affinity for the commander of Atlantis, Dr. Weir. I mean she's not like supermodel hot but I have thing for 'mature looking' woman like her LOL
dang! maybe because I'm getting old myself!!


She looks better with long hair like in the 4-5 season of SG-A. The shoulder length hair style she had in the first three seasons was not a good look on her.


Junior Member
Yup, she was a civilian. She was pretty unremarkable in the SG-1 episode where she first appeared, but she really shone in Atlantis. I especially loved her romantic tensions with Shepard, and was pretty disappointed when she left the show.

She was also another woman. The actresses who introduced Dr. Weir on SG1 and the one who made her on Star gate Atlantis are two different people. The original was Jessica Steen.

It wasn't even suppose to be Dr. Weir. Amanda Tapping suppose to switch over to Atlantis. Just like Michelle Forbes' Ensign Ro Laren and not Major Kira was suppose to be on Deep Space 9.

Not quite sure about that.
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Jessica has a more stoic bone structure to her face and is decidedly blond. Where Torri has a more pronounced cheekbones and a less pronounced laugh lines. Torri is also brunette.

Torri Hutchinson was the second of three actresses to play the role the this and final actresses in my opinion is a much closer resemblance to torri albeit a bit younger.

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Amanda Tapping was supposed to be in charge of Atlantis when the show was pitched as SG-1 at the time had not been renewed for another season. When SG-1 was renewed she stayed on but also decided to have a baby which is why she was missing for most of the first season when Ben Browder was made SG-1 team leader.

The Dr Weir character was not meant to go very far. That's why there was a recasting from Jessica Steen to Torri Hutchinson and more effort in writing for the character to set up and introduction in SG-1 before they premiered SG-A.

Amanda Tapping gets posted on SG-A as SG-1 is concluded. Torri Hutchinson was written of the show because she took issue with the writing and direction of her character. The third actress to play Weir was cast because the higher ups did not want Hutchinson back at all.


Lieutenant General
Well that would explain Weir's awkward exit from Atlantis. Frankly I don't remember all the stuff that happened that lead to her character being "killed-off." I just remember something must've been going on behind the scenes. Also didn't Amanda Tapping leave to do that other show where she had that British accent where she had a daughter and they killed her off at the end of the first season and again I thought something had to been going on behind the scenes?
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Junior Member
Sanctuary, and for the record that was probably here own accent. Tapping was born in Essex.

Yes she was born in Essex UK but moved to Canada by the age of three(wikipedia source). Her natural accent is very N.American.

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Here she is talking at Phoenix Comic Con.



She looks better with long hair like in the 4-5 season of SG-A. The shoulder length hair style she had in the first three seasons was not a good look on her.

Dr Weir looks PC to me.... and looks too much like my sister in law.
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