Star Wars & Sc-Fi Talk


Lieutenant General
They've already come out with a poster for Patton Oswalt's Star Wars Episode VII.



Lieutenant General
Interesting new promo for Star Trek. Why would the villain talk about Kirk's legacy if he weren't from the future?



Lieutenant General
Here's a new Pacific Rim trailer. I heard about the using of a tanker ship as a club.



Here's a new Pacific Rim trailer. I heard about the using of a tanker ship as a club.


Definitely one of my most favorite movies, ever! July 12th, come faster, please!


Lieutenant General
Well I've read accounts of people who have seen the new Star Trek movie. I won't spill the beans but heard it's a leave your brain at the door especially for Star Trek purists. Yes I do read spoilers because as a person who went to film school, it's much more important to see if the story was executed correctly.