Junior Member
Another interesting alien invasion story is "Falling Skies" on TNT. The story starts out like any other alien invasion story, but is morphing into a very unique one. It first talks about humans allying with the aliens in attempts to better control Earth, but then potentially aliens allying with humans in attempt to rebelling against alien overlords. So there are multiple alien species: some evil and trying to control everything and others from conquered planets, being controlled and manipulated just like humans. The latter, previously seen by humans as evil, is trying to form an alliance with the humans so that they can defeat the overlord and get their own planets back... Cool, IMO...
Yeah I saw the the first 2 seasons of Falling Skies and gave up on it. The concept is interesting and started out ok. But the then the garbage lines they wrote for Noah Whilie on military and insergency history got too Euro/American centric. They only make refrences and analiges to the American Revolution and WW2 Europre which were not particularly close to the situations they were facing in alot of the episodes. The character is supposed to be a history teacher but never mentions any of the other more recent and sometimes successful insergencies of the 20th century like Vietnam, The Long March, Iraq and Afganistan. The charcter is a terrible history teacher!
In Space Above and Beyond at least they refrenced all of human military expirence. When they lauched a bombing raid in the capured alien bomber they made reference to the Doolittle Raid on Japan. While in the same episode those going on the mission called it a kamikaze mission and then clipped and collected their nails as the WW2 kamikaze's did before they went on their mission.
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