It seems that many networks are establishing their own streaming services. I'm not sure if it's going to work.
We already have Netflix and Amazon Prime. That's almost $200 a year combined.
I believe Disney will also have their own streaming service. And they will pull their movies and tv shows off Netflix. So if we want to watch anything Disney makes, like all the Star Wars movies and shows, we will have to subscribe Disney. That's at least another $70-100 a year. And CBS streaming? What's next? Fox, NBC, ABC, Syfy all have their own exclusive streaming? We will end up paying $1000 a year???
It would be much more convenient to have a few streaming sites where we can find most shows and movies. I don't even mind if Netflix charges me more for accessing more shows. Instead of the current $90/month, I am totally fine with even $130/month as long as I can find more shows.
It would've been a nightmare if we had to subscribe a dozen streaming services for a couple of favorite shows per service. Then one of the channels decides to cancel an awesome show, like what Fox did with Firefly. Then we'll have to cancel the whole subscription. I hate canceling stuff with all the calling and yelling and cursing and over-charging and late fees, etc etc etc. It would've been cheaper if I simply buy the season on Amazon, which is what I'm doing with GoT...