Although the Japanese Recently changed there law regarding export I highly doubt the Japanese will allow unlimited export of military tech more likely they will demand any export program be jointed.
=off topic=
Once more Delft I am forced too wonder if you are trying too make some kind of political statement.
Yes a large number of Euro zone nations are buying US Aircraft that does not mean they are totally slaved too it both France and Sweden for example are going there own with Rafale and Grippens. fact is they pick what they like for the best deal they can. as for money on non Us made aircraft yes they will never buy a totally non us manufactured aircraft but they will license production the C27J is an Italian design, UH72 is German, AV8 is based on the british harrier, RQ5 is isreali, the lead coast guard helicopter is french the USAF just chose the Brazilian Super Tucano as it's new attacker. yes The Us maintains a massive number of American made Aircraft, and why not? when you maintain the number of defense manufactures the US Does?