Junior Member
Japan would definitely align with China to divide up Russia's Siberian assets in the name of living space, energy resources self-sufficiency, and security of northern passage sea lanes.
The vast expanse of Siberia is too rich in resources, too sparsely populated, and too geographically isolated vis-a-vis Moscow to be left ignored on the geopolitical plans of China, Korea, and Japan, especially with the melting the icecaps in the waters north of Siberia, creating potentially the most important sealane in the world.
China and Japan aren't dumb. They know with the depletion of Middle East resources, the next best thing is Siberia, which Russia herself can't even develop because she lacks the demographic manpower and financial capital to develop. It's also geographically close too, so China/Japan would align to seize the riches of Siberia.
Just read the Nazi ambitions or the arguments for the Japanese attacks on China. In case of the Japanese attack on China, leading into WWII, the argument was slightly twisted, not into low population density, but low density of valuable population - valuable = worthy of becoming Japanese. And Chinese were considered totally incapable drug addicts who could never develop their country or resist the superior Japanese.
You simply suggest robbery of land and resources, because you consider someone unable to defend and want to have their property. That's just the kind of thinking that required the Chinese contributions in WWII in the first place.