Lieutenant General
Here's a nice good frontal shot on the truck.

You get a sense of just how close to the ground the right wing-tip is riding in the videos posted before.
This picture, while a little odd at first glance, is a very good illustration of why the plane is tilted, and the off-centre loading on the truck further illustrates the lengths they have gone to to allow this bird to pass the narrower sections of the road.
The plane is off-set to the side to allow it to be tilted to a higher angel than if it was sitting centrally on the flatbed, this thus allows for it to pass narrower roads.
This picture also downs that the rig carrying the fighter offers far better support than apparent in the earlier side on snaps.
What is most interesting about these shots is the origin.
This has to have been taken by one of the police officers escorting the plane. Hell, you can see what looks to be an official government emblem reflected in the windscreen.
I hope whoever took this snap knows how to cover his trail, because all digital cameras have embedded digital markers in all pictures they take which could be used to identify the owner of the camera or phone the picture was taken on.
The Chinese security services will probably not bother for regular civilians posting snaps they might have taken, but for someone who was part of the escort to take pictures and release them might be considered as a possible security breach worth plugging.
Aircraft Sales 101 Wolfie, face it they are selling this bird to the Chinese people and the world, hauling this thing around and letting folks see it and feel like they are trusted team members is brilliant, thats how you say "go team" in the universal language. Let them experience a little pride of ownership, things are definetly different on the mainland, not saying that there is not a lot of secrecy, just that China's experience in the world at large, especially in the West, have pulled the wraps off of some of the formerly hidden weapons. How else are you going to convince your people to hold their heads up and be proud to be Chinese citizens? Imagine how I felt being up close and personal with the Raptor, thats my "baby" now, and seeing it fly was "awesome"!