Thaks that You posted it here since the J-20 tread is surely wrong.
However I have some strong reservations to cry out loud "Juhu the J-xy from SAC" since I can't think that SAC will travel its future stealthy fighter simply thru the streets.
As such I was thinking more towards a mock-up, a theme-pak model or something similar simple ??? ... or is that an L-15 trainer ???
Following some posts at the CDF, there are however some differences to exclude an L-15 .... and especially that tight securety. Reportedly it is indeed from SAC on the was to Tianjin. ... but why in Tianjin !
Anway interesting,
Yeah I would bet a decent amount of money that this is definitely not an L-15 and you can certainly see the stealth characteristics like chining, smooth surfaces, flush edges etc
And this thing looks just the right size to be an F-35 class fighter, which is exactly what huitong's been saying SAC's "J-21" will look like.
And there is some sort of precedent for carrying important aerospace projects by road. I remember watching a documentary of JSF competition where the X-32's single wing section was formed in one production facility and transported by oversize truck for assembly with the rest of the aircraft.
So while I'm not calling this yet, if I had to make a bet, there is a good chance this is what we've been waiting for from SAC. It must be important for some reason what with the skin tight coverings and quite tight security.
Unless of course this is a PS, but =GT has given it is backing and he's not been known to be wrong about these matters