To be honest, I think the project still has a shot at capturing domestic interest if SAC can roll out a fully-fledged prototype in short order. The Chinese military have retroactively inducted aircraft that they had previously rejected (the Q-5 Fantan is a good example of this).
There are quite a few differences between the two situations.
But one of the biggest, is that with the Q-5 is that there was a stated need by the Chinese military itself for such an aircraft of that role, and the Q-5 was developed to fulfill that requirement.
OTOH, as far as we know the Chinese military doesn't have any sort of requirement for a medium weight stealth fighter like that of FC-31, otherwise they would've funded the development of FC-31 from prototype 31001 before it even flew.
So essentially SAC are trying to put out this aircraft to try and make it compelling enough for the military to buy it. The massive problem is that these are expensive, complicated stealth fighters, and for the Air Force or even Navy to commit to such an aircraft would have massive repurcussions for their future force structure as well. These are not male drones, pgms or some other weapons system that can be developed in house by a company without a military's stated requirement but still find a role in a military later on.
So frankly I consider SAC's attempts of trying to push FC-31 onto the Chinese military to be naive, unrealistic and bordering on arrogant.
If the military doesn't have a requirement for a medium weight stealth fighter then SAC are simply living on a prayer.
I'm also unsure as to why you expectant about the FC-31 -- this is a project where at this stage we realistically should expect little to nothing to come out of it. The most likely result is they can use their two FC-31 airframes as testbeds for various technologies, and use experience from development of FC-31 to inform their future stealth aircraft projects whether they be UCAVs, or hypothetical 6th generation aircraft or whatever.