That's because J-31 cannot be disassembled. The body and wing are one piece, as described in this
Many thanks to
Engineer for getting a LIN Zuo Ming Youtube video right on the specific part of his answer on J-31 -- 1 piece airframe.
I think that J-31 -- 1 piece airframe is designed to go through some special Stress test without Engine and other components. Yet, the
Special Stress Testing site can NOT be built close to the city of ShenYang where SAC is located.
Because if the SAC Special Stress Testing site was built close to ShenYang, then in time of war, it is way too vulnerable to Americans and Japanese destructions.
City of ChengDu is inland, thus CAC Special Stress Testing site can be built nearby ChengDu. CAC does not have to send J-20 -- 1 piece airframe too far across China. Thus, we have never seen J-20 -- 1 piece airframe on Sichuan highway.
On that interview linked by Engineer above, one of the J-31 Chief Engineer explained that the 1 piece airframe allow SAC ... ...
1) to reduce J-31 components by more than 50%.
2) to reduce ultra expensive Moldings and Toolings by 46%.
These 2 manufacturing benefits above allow SAC to much reduce the J-31 production time. My own guestimate is 1 piece airframe allows J-31 production time to be reduced by 60% or more.
To get a glimpse of Future Heavy Industry Manufacturing Revolution ... ...
Check out -- Why 3D Printed Car ( Strati ) can be manufactured in 2 days only, and only has 47 components instead of 20,000+ components, and the factory area can be reduced to 200m x 200m, instead of hectares of land. After all these facts above, in time of war and
in the game of attrition, you can imagine PRC manufacturing prowess over combined efforts and manufacturing abilities of ( US, Japan, UK, and India, and other crony nations ).