Shenyang FC-31 / J-31 Fighter Demonstrator

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Lieutenant General
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That kit looks like a custom paint job, made in a very similar fashion to Hasegawa's Idolmaster line of model kits. The character seems to be an anime personification of the J31.
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Thanks & Yes, but was the kit used as the basis ???

Deino :confused:


Lieutenant General
Rumors on the Chinese boards the second prototype will fly soon in March. You go there SAC! Don't let CAC steal all the thunder.

Pssst! CAC don't let SAC one-up you.


Senior Member
The one with a domestic engine will own the other.

Yup, it's understandable to feel proud of J20 but with SAC's work in bringing China's heavy jet engines up to speed,
not to mention its own J31 & its work on PLAN's carrier jets, it's clear in my mind SAC is still the big brother.
I may change my mind when J20 gets closer to operational or when it's confirmed to use domestic engines.
J20 is exciting but not nearly as important as helping China's jet engines & carrier jets capabilities to maturity.

Air Force Brat

Super Moderator
Rumors on the Chinese boards the second prototype will fly soon in March. You go there SAC! Don't let CAC steal all the thunder.

Pssst! CAC don't let SAC one-up you.

Great news, and SAC is in the catbird seat, the Flanker derivatives are outstanding at what they are able to accomplish, haul a good load at long range, and being generally a very happy, competent airplane. The J-31 will build on that platform and with the Navy pushing ahead with the carrier, they need a slightly smaller fleet air defense fighter with the same happy mannerisms, the J-31 will fill that niche nicely!

Air Force Brat

Super Moderator
The one with a domestic engine will own the other.

While I see your point, I doubt that is as much of a concern in the public domain as it is to posters here on the Sino-Defense forum, with the movement in the Ukraine/Crimea ramping up, I look for Russia to once again be accepted as a close partner on building military assets, look to see more, not less cross technology as the Eastern seaboard ADIZ has placed Sino/Russian relations on a similar orbit.

Bringing the J-31 on board the carriers will definitely boost the fortunes of all involved, l ook to see the J-31 step up to become a more prominent fixture of Naval Airpower, particularly since the US pivot to the Pacific is official US policy, having new air superiority fighter, will be seen as a necessity.


Lieutenant General
Yup, it's understandable to feel proud of J20 but with SAC's work in bringing China's heavy jet engines up to speed,
not to mention its own J31 & its work on PLAN's carrier jets, it's clear in my mind SAC is still the big brother.
I may change my mind when J20 gets closer to operational or when it's confirmed to use domestic engines.
J20 is exciting but not nearly as important as helping China's jet engines & carrier jets capabilities to maturity.

True, but IMO if CAC could do their own domestic engine development if they had the money. CAC definitely has the better scientist and engineers than SAC. CAC puts China jet fighter development on the world map.


Chengdu J-20 Chief Engineer, Yang Wei is just too good for any SAC guys to match up with.:eek:
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