There may be a lot of reasons why J-20 isn't suitable to go on the carrier, but with the J-20 being slightly shorter and a lot narrower than the J-15, size would definitely not be one of those reasons.The J20 is too big to realistically be adapted for carrier operations...
There is another question : would China sell J-31 to Pakistan ? In the past China sold only relatively cheap and unsophisticated planes like J-6 and J-7 . PAF used them to bolster their numbers , but their best birds were from the West (F-16 , Mirage etc .. ) Even now , JF-17 made in cooperation with China (and Russia regarding the engine) is still second in capabilities to F-16 Block 52.
J-31 is a fifth generation fighter . As such , it could not be cheap to develop and to procure . And that means main buyer would have to be PLAAF and J-31 alongside J-20 would be a mainstay of Chinese Air Force in decades to come . Now we have come to main question : Does China trust Pakistan enough to sell them J-31 ?
As I said before , J-31 is not just a cheap copy of already known plane . Instead it would be a top-line fighter , very interesting to foreign (Western) intelligence services . On the other hand , Pakistan is a country with constantly shifting policies (pro-Western , anti-Western , alliance with US , alliance with China ... ) . One day they may enter in strategic partnership with China and get J-31 , another they they may want something from US and a price for that would be "little inspection"of their new planes . In such circumstances it could be very risky for China to sell them J-31 . Instead , maybe a better policy would be that for now Pakistan gets 4.5 generation planes like J-10B , and for China to retain fifth generation planes just for itself in another 10 years or so until such planes become widespread in the world .
While the J-31 is a very modern and sophisticated plane I do not believe it has any 'secret sauce' or technologies totally unknown to Western aircraft makers. China may very well have reasons to decline selling J-31 but the stealing of it's technologies by western powers wouldn't be one of them.
Agreed. Personally, I was a little surprised at the tone of that part, as I expected something a little more solid wrt the rumoured PAF J10A/B deal and the input they were supposed to have made to the J10B programme.
As for the J31, well with all due respect, but I don't think Pakistan has the financial muscle to carry the programme to fruition even if they partner up with SAC.
If the PLA does not support the program financially, SAC would likely need to get a consortium of interested foreign buys onboard to jointly fund the development in order to bring the bird to operation privately, which is unlikely tbh. Everyone knows that SAC is second best to CAC, and if anyone was going to fork out billions to participate in a JSF style programme, they would only do so if the very best company in China was involved.
With Pakistan's close cooperation and long history with working with CAC, it is also unlikely that they would jump ship to go with CAC's biggest rival, especially since PAF has never had any previous direct dealings with SAC.
I think the only way we will see the J31 progress beyond prototype stage is if the PLANAF or PLAAF itself gets onboard and funds the programme. Thus, I think any Pakistani involvement in the J31 programme would be limited, and Pakistan would have to wait until the PLA has committed itself to the programme before they would jump onboard.
In terms of the development path for the J31, well I think SAC needs to decide whether to court the Air Force or Navy because it cannot easily satisfy both. The PLAAF is already fully committed to the J20, and with the rumoured JH7B, Next Gen stealth bomber and stealthy strike oriented UCAVs like the Sharp Sword, there really isn't a niche left for the J31.
As such, I believe SAC's best hope is to aggressively and exclusively court the navy. Make the next J31 prototype a carrier borne version and lobby the navy hard for the J31 to become its future carrier born stealth.
With the scale and scope of China's carrier programme, if the navy commits to the J31, that should be enough to make the programme viable and profitable even without export orders. With the navy already relying on SAC for J15s, they already have a foot in the door. The J20 is too big to realistically be adapted for carrier operations, and with F35s coming online with the USN and Japan committed, I don't think the PLAN would be satisfied with relying on the J15.
In terms of the role of the J31 itself, I think SAC should focus on making the J31 and air dominance fighter rather than focus on strike like the F35. With UCAVs like the Sharp Sword now flying, and the X47 doing carrier trials, the PLAN would likely want to follow suit and by the time the J31 is operational, so would a naval Sharp Sword, which can take on the stealth striker role quite nicely. For anti-shipping work, its not like the J31 is ever going to fit AShMs in its weapons bays, so a J31 has absolutely nothing over a J15 in terms of anti-shipping, so it would just be better to leave the strike roles to the J15 and future UCAVs.
By focusing on sir combat, SAC would have the opportunity to have an unique selling point to differentiate the J31 from the more established F35 beyond merely price, and would have a decent chance of being able to achieve parity or even superiority over the F35 in air combat if the J31 was only concerned with air combat and thus did not have to make the sacrifices the F35 had to accommodate its strike oriented mission and three variants in one airframe complexity. Such a selling point would greatly appeal to the PLAN as well as any potential export customers far more than of the J31 went down the stealth striker path and ended up being seen as a poor man's knock-off F35.
The J20 is too big to realistically be adapted for carrier operations, and with F35s coming online with the USN and Japan committed, I don't think the PLAN would be satisfied with relying on the J15.
J-31 is definitely approve for sales. It not, a mock up of J-31 will not be display at zhuhai 2012 airshow. The fact that we do not even have any info of J-20 at zhuhai tells us it strictly for domestic use. PAF needs to come out with fund for J-31 if it really wants the project to speed up.
It would be a risky move, but SAC could fund the project's development while it's looking for buyers.What was approved for sale , mockup ?
Let's be serious :
1. J-31 is far from finished . It would need some time (few years) and LOT of money and research to get to IOC version .
2. Were would that money come from ? Pakistan doesn't have much (they relay on soft loans to purchase planes) and the other Chinese clients aren't exactly rich . So China would have to pony up with the cashI remind you that even US had to pay most of the cost for F-35 development , although they had lot of wealthy partners involved with the plane (Britain, Israel , Holland , Italy ... etc )
3. In order to lower the price of each individual plane , there would have to have mass production . A who will buy large quantities of J-31 ? Only one country - China .
4. Therefore , in order to succeed J-31 would have to be developed with Chinese money and purchased with Chinese money . Basically , J-31 would have to become mainstay of PLAAF and PLANAF (alongside J-20) . In such circumstances China could not afford to sell this plane to "unreliable " countries for few extra bucks . At least not until fifth generation planes become old news and not such a big deal .