I agree replacing USD is very important for China. I'm just saying that it probably doesn't work the way you are thinking here. in an environment where all commerce is done in USD, the businesses and/or their banks have to keep some amount of USD on hand, so they can pay or take payment in USD. This is a process that allows American institutions to take a cut out of all the transactions. Dealing directly in RMB will save a lot of cost for Chinese businesses. It also cuts American control from the process.That USD between Malaysia and China is the one going to be replaced by RMB when the two countries are expanding RMB and Ringgit usage in bilateral trade. This is the squeezed dollar that I was talking about. Since China and ASEAN are number 1 trading partners of each other, the dollar to be replaced is huge. Only trade involving other countries will remain priced in USD.
For trade of fixed amount of goods, there is a fixed amount of currency in circulation. Since dollar is used (printed supplied by Fed) in place of RMB and Ringgit (for example) in trade between China and Malaysia, if the two decides to print more RMB and Ringgit for serve that purpose, they can. The problem would be that there is surplus USD already printed for the same purpose.
I am not sure about how currency and economy are taught in the west, I am only educated in China by the Marxist analysis. In that theory, currency should not be over-issued, if it does, currency will devaluate, no amount of monetary policy can change that. In the scenario that we are discussing, one can say USD was overprinted or RMB is to be overprinted, the outcome is the same, it is only matter of which currency is accepted as the new medium for trade and the share of them.
I'm saying those USD doesn't come from printing or what not. They are created by the financial institutions in the middle of the transactions. a US financial institutions can $10 billion of FX transactions or $100 billion of FX transactions with the same amount of USD liquidity on hand. Since at the end of the day, you are just buying and selling.