Most of this video can be ignored but at 10:18 it provide an infographic of the weights of 105mm guns to 155mm guns in the German army.
The difference in weights are massive albeit the difference in weight between a 122mm and 155mm in Chinese service would be smaller. But the point is that this difference severely affects the place that the guns or vehicles carrying the guns can reach tactically.
I also remember a video on the battle of Stalingrad(can't remember the exact video) mentioning how the 105mm guns of the German army had a higher sustainment rate compared to the 155mm guns that had much fewer rounds available as the logistic situation for Army Group South got worse due to the difference in transportability of the rounds.
I will admit this is not the best analogy considering the difference between 105mm and 122mm guns relative to 155mms but this it is the best I can come up with unless someone has better sources from Soviet studies comparing their 122mm and 152mm artillery.