webby is a bot 
Yea and make me mod too while you’re at it@WebMaster Can you check and see what's going on with Bltizo's permissions?
I guess this as good a place as any to ask this
@ Deino In one of the threads you wrote that posts with political content were banned at least until the appointment of another Mod. With tthe appointment of Blitizo as a Mod, does this means we can incude political comments in our posts?
I don't miss West Shoots Itself By Banning Huawei type of threads (though I used to contribute there, LOL)I've been here for more than 10 years and suggestion is that political discussion is not good as it could easily invoke flame war and country bashing.
However, with the recently emerge of Huawei issue and tech war between the US and China, we could have a thread for technology info and discussion with strick moderation. Mods would step in and temporarily close the thread if heat escalate beyond control and reopen it when everyone has cooled down.
”Just my two cents.
No, wrong. Not the type of you're bad to do this or that but the information thread. For example, while everyone is expecting Hongmeng OS, Huawei says it's not for mobile. Well, someone knows the reason behind that.I don't miss West Shoots Itself By Banning Huawei type of threads (though I used to contribute there, LOL)
I think it's good the SDF is quiet now, Internet fighters should go somewhere else to shoot it out
oh I think if it's news, it can be posted even nowNo, wrong. Not the type of you're bad to do this or that but the information thread. For example, while everyone is expecting Hongmeng OS, Huawei says it's not for mobile. Well, someone knows the reason behind that.