SampanVikings and Gollevainens all new Allthing


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Yeah, lots of snow here one point in christmass eve the blizzard was so tense that powers went off and after it came back, there was much of it that our TV antenna turned to wrong direction...

Anyway nothing came up of my mothers plans to have wide family christmass and non of our invited relatives came up, mostly due some domestick disturptions...and the extra ammounts of food was left for us to bravely get ridd of it...thank good the ham turned bad due too low temperature in the fridge and had to be writen off...otherwise we would have eaten it well into next year

and from that thing we discussed in our PM messages...I got the translation program but its completely useles in translating literacy so guess it ends that experiment, sorry. I simply havent got enough time to work with a text that i have somehow allready abandoned and then do all rewriting in foreing language...:( Maybe in next fall or when the big thing is published and somebody discoveres some 'export' potential of it...I doupt that you know any talented english-finnish-english translator that could help us...i dont know anybody skillfull enough for the task:mad: :(

Otherwise holidays arent been sacret for us mods. Yesterday some new spammer troll entered here, and I banned him this morning...and my older friend mr.chinawhite gave lot of bad taste to my christmass in the Keypublishing forum...
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The Capitalist
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Happy New Year Mr Gollevainen

Well here we are in 2006 and somehow I feel it will be a far better year than 2005.

Yes I popped into the Keypublisher Forum and saw your exchanges with Mr C White. I also noticed he managed to flame with other members too. A shame really as he had promise.

With regard to translation though I have an idea. At the College/University you attend there must be plenty of English Language students. Maybe you approach some of them and see if they were interested in some extra practice (or some other deal). Worth a try, they can only say no.

Well just for once New Year was a quiet affair for us. Usually its a good night out, but this year we made do with some Seventies Glam Rock CD's a few bottles of wine, A Mrs Sampan special dinner (Beef and Tofu in Sizchuan Sauce, Peppers and Mushrooms stuffed with Minced Pork, Fried Noodles and Rice:p ) and a small bottle of Champagne for the Midnight toast. You know what? we thoroughly enjoyed it.

I briefly noticed a post by a Mr America F Y, I am so glad it is no longer there.

Anyhow getting back to normal now, so let me know how things have been with you.


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Yes I popped into the Keypublisher Forum and saw your exchanges with Mr C White. I also noticed he managed to flame with other members too. A shame really as he had promise.

Yeah, im also bit dissapointed to that guy...he had potential, but too big ego to svallow my authority over him, and when we entered into our struggle, he couldnt take it any longer anfd his rather good acting of adult broke down and reveiled the spoilet kid underneath...he has now left me alone, but there migth be more coming up in DF, i hope not, but its a real test for him...

With regard to translation though I have an idea. At the College/University you attend there must be plenty of English Language students. Maybe you approach some of them and see if they were interested in some extra practice (or some other deal). Worth a try, they can only say no.

well the proplem is that we have them, but they arent english by native language but come from ratehr exiting places...But i have now almoust becoming to complete the main structure of one of the independent storyes of the bigger thing and i could post a summary of it to you so i could get some ideas or 'second' wiev to those points that migth be blind to me...there is a few things there what bothers me and i would appreciate any help that i can get...

Well just for once New Year was a quiet affair for us. Usually its a good night out, but this year we made do with some Seventies Glam Rock CD's a few bottles of wine, A Mrs Sampan special dinner (Beef and Tofu in Sizchuan Sauce, Peppers and Mushrooms stuffed with Minced Pork, Fried Noodles and Rice ) and a small bottle of Champagne for the Midnight toast. You know what? we thoroughly enjoyed it.

well only thing that was eventfull of my newyears passing was that i and my brother stukced to watch from TV this 1974 concert footage of Finnish rock band called Hurriganes...legendary group which was the one of the first finnish
groups to sing english and generally have that true rock n' roll feeling and touch...
it was rather hilarious to watch after all...

but other things are going as usual, the Taiwan invasion game has got relatively lot attention and a new player has joined in...Finnish expendiotary force (orginally inted to be peace keeping force to ensure our economical intrests in the region) has landed to unknown Philipine iland from near by and are now starting to invade it to get a proper stronghold in the region...there migth be quite different end to all that war when i get to full speed...


The Capitalist
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All I can say (speaking as someone to whom Rape and Pillage was a mainstay of the old family business) is watch those Phillipino Girls. Once they get there hands on your boys you might find their combat readiness markedly reduced.

I have considered joining your thread, but I cannot decide on which basis. I have four options

1) Be head of the PLA Overseas Shock Armies ie the millions of Chinese students studying overseas. In this position I would launch a decapitation strike against the Western Capitals. Success is guaranteed.

2) As Sampanviking leader the Jomsvikings. We feel great sympathy with the PRC and its problems with Taiwan as we have a similar problem ourselves. We would therefore; in solidarity, undertake the Invasion and Re-occupation of Vinland (North America) which as everyone knows is a rebel province of Iceland.

3) As Cherie Booth (wife of UK Premier Tony Blair) lead the International Womans Peace Movement on a mission to Taiwan as human sheilds to protect the mothers and children of Taiwan.

4) As Prime Minister of UK, decide to "thank" USA for deliberatly wrecking the British Empire post 1945, and just nuke the States anyway.

How to decide??????

But i have now almoust becoming to complete the main structure of one of the independent storyes of the bigger thing and i could post a summary of it to you so i could get some ideas or 'second' wiev to those points that migth be blind to me...there is a few things there what bothers me and i would appreciate any help that i can get... Quote

Delighted to assist, I assume you will need an e-mail address? If so let me know and I will provide one via PM.

Otherwise whats new?


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Well as for a our one knows whats going to happen next, the orginal idea was to provide me a good back up to 'lighten' my approach when i eventually have to close the thread as someones gets too pissed of over the game...A Finnish Peace keeping force enters the scene and but end to all fighting and unsessery slaughter of Taiwaneese people...some how my imagination got too much of grip onto it and I dont know whats the end is going to be...It would rather hard (thougth not completely impossiple) to explain to other 'players' how 5000 strong finnish mechanised brigade could overwhelm entire PLA or US military when its needed for forums sake.
But if you are intressed of joining in, PRC side would propaply need a clear minded adult to counter Seacraft of the US side...he's a new member but seems to be quite intresting fellow and has totally correct attitude towards this thing but i hate to see our kids to be fooled by him and fall into bad behaivior... so obtion 2 sounds most attractive...

Delighted to assist, I assume you will need an e-mail address? If so let me know and I will provide one via PM.

well technically i could check out your registeration e-mail addres but if you have another one, send it to me via PM and i send the actual text into it. Our PM message isent good as it allows only 5000 charecters to be posted at one time and it's going to be lot more...
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The Capitalist
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Hi Gollevainen

Just a quicky to say do not panic. I got your delivery, but it is in the middle of a bit of a busy time/blind panic, so I may not be able to respond immediately. What I have seen though looks good and well thought out - watch this (or your hotmail) space.

I took a quick nose into that wargame, but I've written myself out now as I do not really have any time for play. Not bad though, Deputy President of China:D not bad at all for a days work. You mods should get in there and start refereeing however as nobody seems sure about where they are or what they got.

Otherwise nothing much to say, the biggest laugh I've had is the leader of the UK's third party (Liberal Democrats) having to resign his party leadership, after he had to admit (what everybody knew already) that he was a drunk.

Anyway Mr Wine Bottle is calling me and as we are old friends it would be rude to keep him waiting.



VIP Professional
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Hi Gollevainen

Just a quicky to say do not panic. I got your delivery, but it is in the middle of a bit of a busy time/blind panic, so I may not be able to respond immediately. What I have seen though looks good and well thought out - watch this (or your hotmail) space.

I took a quick nose into that wargame, but I've written myself out now as I do not really have any time for play. Not bad though, Deputy President of China not bad at all for a days work. You mods should get in there and start refereeing however as nobody seems sure about where they are or what they got.

Anyway Mr Wine Bottle is calling me and as we are old friends it would be rude to keep him waiting.


well I understand, I got to be way too long that i mented to send, but it just that as the thing is in that state i have been so over exited the matter that it just wiufh! ...and then it got to be 11 pages long, sorry. But no need to take any rush, The schools starts this morning and Im obligated myself to be a tutor to the new kids coming to our school...The actuall school starts at 9.00 AM with the arrival of the newbies but i decided to come in advance at 7.45 AM when the campus caffee usually just find out that its now specially openened in 9.00 AM also:mad:
so no coffee this morning...

about that wargame, no one really knows how should be the moderator, I never agreed to be one. And as i'm so deep in the philipines archipelago, i'm not so unbiased in order to do such a thing...

Otherwise nothing much to say, the biggest laugh I've had is the leader of the UK's third party (Liberal Democrats) having to resign his party leadership, after he had to admit (what everybody knew already) that he was a drunk.

But as i try to look back in finnish political history, We have had similar things (tough it's hard to belive that someone would be sacked in here for drunking....aren't they all...?) When our almoust-dictator Kekkonen was about to be step down from the throne, one of the main candinate for to become the Kekkonen in stead of the Kekkonen, Ahti Karjalainen was forced to leave the competition due his drinking proplem that went overline....
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The Capitalist
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Hi Gollevainen

I still have not had much chance other than a quick glance. Trouble is I have just bought a new Software package, and discovered it is not a nice friendly package like wot I normally get, but I real tech monster. Follow the instructions? I dont even understand the damn instructions!!!!

Oh well better get back to tearing my hair out I suppose. I will hotmail as soon as I can.


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no worryes....tough i've find myself unable to do contineu anything related before the "feedback"...but little break does just fine...


The Capitalist
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Hi Gollevainen

Glad to have been of some (albeit limited service). Well as you may have guessed, Chinese New Year means I am suddenly with more spare time on my hands and unlikely to be able to get too much more work done for the next week or two.

Poor old Dongfeng, I assume he has gone to China for a few weeks and decided to Re-host before he went. Somehow however something has definitly not gone in accordance with expectation. I know DNS forwarding can take a few days to "repopulate" themselves on the Internet, but this is a bit excessive.

I know I was a bit naughty starting that Palestinian Election thread, but it is a major event and hopefully all contributors will behave themselves accordingly.

Other than that what little I have seen of the outside world has been remarkably dull. I know the Iran situation is exciting some members, but the active opposition of Russia and China makes the prospect of any action against them very remote indeed.

I know many in the West would like Mr Putin to take a tougher line with the Iranian leaders, so just for them here it is

"You Iranians should not!!! spend $Billions developing Nucleur Weapons!!!!
when for a fraction of the price you can buy them ready made from us;) "

Otherwise, weather is cold, business is on hold, life is suddenly quiet. Guess I will have to do some house cleaning:(