SampanVikings and Gollevainens all new Allthing


The Capitalist
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By golly Goli you have been busy, and Vince come back to play!!!!

I do not envy you at all. Still I note some better topics opening up, I think it is a shame that some of these guys who post articles don't come back with an opinion, it makes getting a discussion going difficult.

But never mind.

You have probably noticed I am still scarce these days. I am still trying to get all the details for our "new on-line retail operation" loaded. Boy - it is a long long and labour intensive job :( . I just hope its worth the effort.)

Anyway must get back on with it (Mrs S :eek: just noticed I am enjoying myself and not working.


VIP Professional
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I do not envy you at all. Still I note some better topics opening up, I think it is a shame that some of these guys who post articles don't come back with an opinion, it makes getting a discussion going difficult.

Yeah...vince TRYED to come back...thank god i'm able to ban members so his visit wasen't longer...but your right we have way too much pointless threads...worst are those in the military history forum..."Wich is the best sword in the medieval times?" For all my bannings and closing threads..they must keep me a fasist...but my moderating and moderating in general only drive out those who weren't much of an resource anyway...

But anyway i tryed to post some photos of my home town (not from the town, but it's nature mostly) but they where too big to be uploaded...perhaps i should pay more attention to the digicams manual...i'l try to find away to post even some of them...


The Capitalist
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Now heres something.

Reading through some recent posts on the forum I think I might have hit on too an answer for your old question "why did'nt China dominate the world".

The truth I believe is the Chinese equivalent of a Dark Age.

The history of China seems to be a series of Invasions in which Barbarian Invaders are assimilated into the nation and the nation increases in size as a result. Something similar happened with the Mongols. What is misleading I think is the difference of Style and Substance. The Barbabians quickly took on the style of the Chinese, but were still Barbarians at heart and retained barbarian values; ie militaristic values and anti acedemic - anti-science etc. Just imagine what Rome would have looked like at the end if Attila the Hun had captured the Empire intact and switched to wearing Toga's and Laurel Leaves.

Eventually of course; after a number of generations, the Mongols assimilated psychologically as well as stylistically. This would have coincided with the Russian counter offensive that would eventually push all the way to the Pacific and the destruction of the Kingdoms of the Golden Hoard.

At this critical time, just when China would have realised they were technologicaly inferior to the Europeans and start to take the appropriate steps to catch up - what happens? - a new Barbarian Invasion by the Manchu's and the return to a new Dark Age - with Obsolete Military practices being valued above progress and development.

But here is a sobering thought: It took Europe a thousand years to claw its way back from the fall of Rome to the Renaissaence. China seems to have accomplished this in about three centuries. Further, it looks as though the Barbarian frontiers have all been tamed, the melting pot is full and starting to bubble again........

Your thoughts?


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Well there's interesting tought...May this mean the speed of chinese developing is going to surpass west? This "moral downgrading" what someones calls it, can it be that west is now on the edge on the doom and China just keeps on going...hmm...not to carry out too much lets focus on your tought.

One thing that must be remembered whit china, is that as it became relevant in the old discussion, China has been united unlike europa. I still belive that this coased much of the downgrading but it supports your tought as well. As united the progress ablyes roughly the whole country and when it cathes the speed the modernization is fast. But if new downstream hits, it is much more devastating than whit case of "multipolar" europa. I must confess my knowlidge of Chinese history is still far too limited. I'm actually just now started to look deeper than beginig of 20th century in history general. At the moment i'm digging to Russian history before the Tsarist era...but it's not long way from there to China and my road leds inresistenbly to that direction.

But if we go back to china, THe revolution in 1949 isen't the couse why china is still decades behind west, it was more like the neccererity that made the whole progression possiple. As my history knowlidge have black hole abou the size of chinese history untill 1910, perhaps an inside what stopped that progression or at least slowed it down? What coused the situation where the western powers where able to rip-off china and laying the ground for Mao's march? I'll try to look up for it and perhaps then we can continue this rather promising discussion...


The Capitalist
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Would you believe it.

More computer problems. Now my Firewall - Antivirus programme is playing up. I have had to rebuild the system three times in as many days:mad: My work is now days behind and Mrs S:nono: blames me completely.

Still mananged to start a new thread though!!!.

Hope to hear your thoughts from your last posting and hope to get this ****** machine sorted out.

Will try and communicate again soon.


The Capitalist
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If it never rains but pours, then this must be an effing Typhoon.

Got the computer stabilsed (kinda) but my Webbuilder Programme (why God this one????) has completely refused to load or reload and thus I am having to buy an upgrade in the hope this will work. Its not the money but the time thats being lost it a real:nutkick:

Anyway thats my bitch out the way How is life and Uni treating you and how long before you launch your "how to build a pontoon bridge" thread to follow on the enginnering.

Look forward to hearing from you.


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well carefull not mix the military engineers- the arch enemy of artillerymen :nono: whit civil engineers...

but other wise life is rather good...well gloomy autum coming and the darknes of the winter:( but also our first one week autum holyday as well as first exams...who invented physics:mad: and why??? So i think i have to also focus on schoolin for while. Im actually almoust halfway thru of my essay about invasion of Taiwan that i'm planning to post on the vip forum. its been almoust two weeks since last activity and i feel lot of shame about it. But it has been just hard to get rib of you to actually write something reasonable. Seems like all the time that i have to spend in here goes for chaching vincelee (he actually send me an e-mail and i replyed to him and threated to crack his computer i have slightest clue how to do that :p :confused:) or keeping the other kids in check. Every week i have to ban somebody. These actions should have been done by dongfeng in the ezboard so the reputaition of our forum would prevent the first flamers to even register...not that im critizising but sometimes it just feels like im the only mod actually doing something. well the kids must thing of me that im some sort of that image of jimmy, his moving hand had stuck in rather unpleasent position....


The Capitalist
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well the kids must thing of me that im some sort of nazi...

I seem to recall that there was a Corporal involved with them somehow.....

Well don't let it get to you, you all have important course work to continue with and that should be a priority.

well carefull not mix the military engineers- the arch enemy of artillerymen

I would have thought they would have been your best friends - building all those lovely targets for you to aim at.

Remeber just laugh at your troubles and thw whole world laughs at you.... eh hang on a minute:confused:


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I would have thought they would have been your best friends - building all those lovely targets for you to aim at

well its a result of these silly military heritage, this friction between engineers and artillery...both are ranked rather 'unmanly' and unheroic branches by infantry and other 'macho' branches gettin all showtime in movies and other fiction. So offcourse we 'lower' soldiers keep fighting over the most lowest part in the great ranking of military branches...dont know if this is universal, but least it is universal here in finland. We had some nasty marching tunes involving infantrymens wifes and their dogs and an engineer and gunner doing some nasty things to them (you can imagine wich one scored wich...:D)
Also pretty much tells the most lengendary toilet inscription: "cows like green; gays like purple and women likes red!" The branch colours in finnish army goes like; green for infantry, purple for engineers and singal and red to artillery and so on...

Like in my brigade, some eigth years ago, an artillery conscript ordered pizza from nearby pizzeria to the garrison gate. But it ended up that bunch of artillerymen find out that there's some engineers pizza waiting in the gate. So these geniouses decided to fetch the pizza by themselves, couse the 'dogs' (MP, the most hated form of least from conscripts point of wiev) wouldnt care or know who ordered the pizza. Well you can imagine what followed. A riot broke out between engineers and artillery as a groupfigth in the garrison's sporttrack and what a christmas it was to the dogs...:nono:

well anyway, my cousin was serving back then in the artillery and he told it to me (i was rather young back in then) and suprisingly the story was still around when I entered into same regiment! As result of that incident, all other battalions and regiments conscripts were allowed to go on evening leave outside of the garrison, exept engineers and artillery...well not so big misschieve, the garrison was middle of woods, nowhere to go in 40km's radious, but still. So thats why i dont like the refering to military engineers. In finnish language the word engineer is corrupted to 'insinööri(insinoori)' but it aplyes to the civil engineers or engineers as occupation. The military engineers are called 'pioneerit' as pioneers.


The Capitalist
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in my brigade, some eigth years ago, an artillery conscript ordered pizza from nearby pizzeria to the garrison gate. But it ended up that bunch of artillerymen find out that there's some engineers pizza waiting in the gate. So these geniouses decided to fetch the pizza by themselves, couse the 'dogs' (MP, the most hated form of least from conscripts point of wiev) wouldnt care or know who ordered the pizza. Well you can imagine what followed. A riot broke out between engineers and artillery as a groupfigth in the garrison's sporttrack and what a christmas it was to the dogs

Well remind me never to try and nick your pizza.

I wonder if it is time for the Web Authorities to offer VIP membership to some of the other members. I wont mention names but I have noticed a few that are definitly grown ups and maintain dignified and polite posts. I guess there are a few others who seem to have military exerience, but I would not necessarily be able to tell the real deal from BS Merchants.

The point though, is that some good threads are being spoiled by the usual things. A few more VIPS might move some of these posts into the VIP forum and give the issues a chance to be discussed properly.

Any thoughts.

Anyway, as winter now appraoches and the nights draw in (what time does it get dark in Hama now? its about 6:30 in Bristol) I wonder if I can persuade you to try and obtain one of my favourite albums - Hyperborea by Tangerine Dream - it is just ideal for relaxing on a cold day or night.

I'm sad summer is gone now, it was a pretty good one overall, but I never semed able to have time to take advantage of it. Oh well always next year I suppose.