Right now I would lay money that the Scottish Nationalists are working on that as we speak, and if the three major parties in London have any brains there top political egg heads skipped the champagne and celebrating, have locked them selves in a conference room and called out for take out as they are going to be looking over every detail of the city's and counties in Scotland that voted to succeed and the region as a whole. They know this is not the end and as a voluntary signature of the UK this will come back. The United kingdom didn't so much as win as the Scottish Nationalist Lost. The UK government needs now to take the lessons learned and push a serious campaign to promote the solidarity of the UK as a whole with the goal that when the next votes are counted they at least get a solid 60%.
The weirdest part of this is that Westminster unilaterally changed the question only a week away from the vote.
The Original question was Yes: Independence. No: Staus Quo
When the poll that showed a majority for Independence was produced a week ago this all changed and the question became
Yes: Independence. No: DevoMax. The status quo was unilaterally dumped and this of course applies to the whole UK not just Scotland.
Westminster had a chance to put a three part question right at the beginning of Independence, DevoMax and Status Quo, but they rejected it. They must be kicking themselves now. Had they done so they may have split the Independence Vote and shown at least the largest minority for the Status Quo. At the very least they would have taken the steam out of Independence and shown a majority for DevoMax and that would have parked the question.
In the event we have nothing remotely like.