Senior Member
I doubt the deployment of Su-57s has any political angle to it. There have been many a new military hardware/weapons which have been deployed in combat over Syria. Su-35s, Su-34s, S-400s, Panstirs, drones, newer versions of BUKs, Klub cruise missiles and etc. It doesn't mean that the Russians are going all out, or are desperate or anything else for that matter. It is a calculated move, for what reason only the Russian military leadership knows why. To somehow link the deployment of Su-57s directly to F-22s and make outright claims that the combat aircraft doesn't stand a chance, is a bit premature and nonsensical. Whichever the case, the Russians have done their best to save Syria. Shown great restraint, resilience and tact in helping Syria regain its territory and defeat ISIS. But to say that Russians are failing in Syria or are in a desperate situation there, is a novice view .
Considering Russia is under sanctions designed to cripple it's economy and bearing in mind that there are a multitude of factions fighting in Syria. It's quite an accomplishment that Russians have managed to push back ISIS and with it, their defeating ISIS with Syrian military joining forces.
Considering Russia is under sanctions designed to cripple it's economy and bearing in mind that there are a multitude of factions fighting in Syria. It's quite an accomplishment that Russians have managed to push back ISIS and with it, their defeating ISIS with Syrian military joining forces.