If you're referring to Kremlin troll insinuation, it is in response to your comment about people adding value. I see zero value here (Gloire probably comes back with "zero value from you" like some of his previous stuff... absolute gold). In fact B787 nearly always gets into ridiculous discussions with other members in other threads. Report if you want. I don't think that was out of line. If you think that is "racist" please explain how. This is a military forum. Not a science forum. It is 100% political by definition. Military is always a subset of politics because a military belongs to a country. My comment is in no way against the rules unless you want to stretch them. Explain where I "bashed" another member? I merely said something they don't like. Their claims are untrue e.g. russian engines. e.g. F-35 hit by S-200...........
B787 sounds just like those people paid by a certain country's leadership to do something we're all very aware of and have seen all around the internet. It ought to be against the rules for continuously posting nonsense and falsities. Discussing a topic and never really responding clearly. Like Gloire's comment:
"This I know, of course.
And it's entirely different from what you said, in every part.
So I'm waiting for confirmation of your statement.
So SpaceX' BFR is uncapable just because it uses many engines?
You know, the most powerful rocket engine is also Soviet(Russian).
Probably, because they couldn't make enough engines."
What parts did I say is being referred to? What is it? if the article, it proves it. So this is nonsensical. I don't know what the game is here but you guys continue it. Good luck with the PAKFA.
Not answer only just you attack too regurlary Russia it is not allowed by the rules named Flame Bait ...
I have my feling i prefer some countries but i don't attack others.
Calm dow a bit dude you provide interesting things useless to be agressive.