OT sorry for all
But i like much submarine yes Toshiba but not for turbines for propeler Akula is the 1st Soviet submarine with Kilo 877 to be really silencious to 110 DBs same than 688 but the 688i is more quiet 105 after they build unique Akula III also silencious, Russians have always minimum a generation of delay for noise with US boats and dangerous reactors !
USA have also better sonars and electronic but Russians subs plunges deeper especialy with 2 hull which allow also a more big resistance less vulnerable a critical hit on the pressure hull is more difficult but Oscar host 24 missiles btw 2 hulls ! 2 hull host ballasts much more small for Western subs in the front and rear
A sub with 2 hull have a displacement superior to ~25 / 30 % much more big a Akula without is for size about a 688*
Externals hull do some mm internal/pressure severals cm about 4 - 5 dépends boats
Russians also especialy SSN-SSGN have a more big weapons load but to consider US missiles are much more small compact but not supersonic in addition Soviet had need build specialised submarines especialy SSGNs for monstruous SS-N-3/12/19... for all weapons especialy missiles even now US have an advantage do more compact.If you want continue for this matters we have submarines topic
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