He lists very specific reasons why the aircraft has NOT first flighted, high speed taxi tests, are up to flying speed and then backing off the throttle, that's how they discovered the steering issue. HIs anecdotal evidence and his history add up to a more reliable source than yours??? Particularly when U can deny the destruction of 055, when anyone familiar with aircraft construction cans see the engine and center fuse are toast. Burned and lots of fabric hanging,, toast., you can't restore the structural integrity of carbon fiber after that.
The center fuse/center section must be very strong, and structurally like a bridge to do its job.
let us do this, let us wait, if by 20th May 2016 you still have no official confirmation or picture. you can confirm he is trolling, if the pictures appear as he says then his credibility will recover, but the guy said 23rd April 2016 first flight; 27th May 2016 it flew, his credibility now is not that great after he mas made such mistakes, but okay let us see if he cries wolf or he is saying the truth