regarding this incident, i read an article on this site
that provides an alternate explanation to this incident.
in this article, it explains that the russian Coast Guard and Naval forces were ‘forced’ to sink the Chinese registered cargo ship New Star bound for US Port of Seattle after it refused orders to stop and be boarded over fears it was carrying a ‘missing’ nuclear warhead from a Russian Topol-M intercontinental ballistics missile (details pls read on provided link above).
this explains why the russian side overreact as most of u guys have pointed out in handling this incident. what u guys think...
this site (click go to main page on bottom) contains articles that might considered by some as purely conspiracy theorist, but hey the world we're living at and things that happen is not that simple as it appears. i just want to present an alternate explanation for you guys to consider things as it happens...
that provides an alternate explanation to this incident.
in this article, it explains that the russian Coast Guard and Naval forces were ‘forced’ to sink the Chinese registered cargo ship New Star bound for US Port of Seattle after it refused orders to stop and be boarded over fears it was carrying a ‘missing’ nuclear warhead from a Russian Topol-M intercontinental ballistics missile (details pls read on provided link above).
this explains why the russian side overreact as most of u guys have pointed out in handling this incident. what u guys think...
this site (click go to main page on bottom) contains articles that might considered by some as purely conspiracy theorist, but hey the world we're living at and things that happen is not that simple as it appears. i just want to present an alternate explanation for you guys to consider things as it happens...