Russian Military News, Reports, Data, etc.


Junior Member
Don't know if this was posted before, but can anyone explain why Russia need to buy Mistral class? What puzzles me is that Russia have build aircraft carrier before. Is it because it is faster to buy from the French then build one on their own?

Jeff Head

Registered Member
Don't know if this was posted before, but can anyone explain why Russia need to buy Mistral class? What puzzles me is that Russia have build aircraft carrier before. Is it because it is faster to buy from the French then build one on their own?
1) Russia has never had an LHD before. The Mistral class is a good LHD that the Russians can learn a lot from.

2) Russian shipbuilding took a big hit after the collapse. They have nt built a carrier since. This deal (France building the first two and Russian building the second two) will give Russia a huge infusion of capability.

3) The amphibious power projection capabilities, with air assault, helicopter air support, etc. is something that will enhance the Russian capabilities.

These are all apparently things that the Russian naval planners and their leadership desire. The first is already launched and fitting out:

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Junior Member
1) Russia has never had an LHD before. The Mistral class is a good LHD that the Russians can learn a lot from.

2) Russian shipbuilding took a big hit after the collapse. They have nt built a carrier since. This deal (France building the first two and Russian building the second two) will give Russia a huge infusion of capability.

3) The amphibious power projection capabilities, with air assault, helicopter air support, etc. is something that will enhance the Russian capabilities.

These are all apparently things that the Russian naval planners and their leadership desire. The first is already launched and fitting out:

I can understand point 2 since this was discussed long time ago, and that pretty much seal the deal to buy from foreign. For point 1, it puzzles me what they will be learning from buying a foreign LHD, instead of designing and building its own LHD. Is it similar to the case like China with the Liaoning, where Russia will initially perform studies on an existing platform and improve on it later on and design their own version?


Tyrant King
I can understand point 2 since this was discussed long time ago, and that pretty much seal the deal to buy from foreign. For point 1, it puzzles me what they will be learning from buying a foreign LHD, instead of designing and building its own LHD. Is it similar to the case like China with the Liaoning, where Russia will initially perform studies on an existing platform and improve on it later on and design their own version?
The Russian Navy could build a Helicopter Carrier or a Ship with a well deck and a ship that does both but a LHD is more then just a Flat top and landing ship. She is also a Command ship, and Mistral uses a state of the Art Propulsion system.


Senior Member
Don't know if this was posted before, but can anyone explain why Russia need to buy Mistral class? What puzzles me is that Russia have build aircraft carrier before. Is it because it is faster to buy from the French then build one on their own?

Actually, they don't need it at all (slow,underarmed, not suited for Arctic conditions ... ) :p It was political payback for French mediation during Georgia war .

Jeff Head

Registered Member
Actually, they don't need it at all (slow,underarmed, not suited for Arctic conditions ... ) :p It was political payback for French mediation during Georgia war .
Clearly, the Russian planners think differently.

Buying two full LHDs and then including an option for them to build two more in Russia is not any kind of pay back for the work France did in the Georgian crisis. During those negotiations, France was in fact very critical of Ruissia.

Russia is clearly doing this because they have identified a military need for these an area where first the Soviets and now Russia has been weak. This will add significantly in terms of their ability to do large sea lift of troops and support/assault operations regarding the same.

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, as has been discussed here on the forum, has been modified for Russian use.

World Wide Aircraft Carriers said:
The Russians have never operated a large LHD class vessel in the past. However, they did make changes to the vessel for their particular sevice. This included changes to the island and bridge, changes to the sensor suite, a strengthened hull for artic operations, a well deck door that completely encloses the well deck (the French door is open at the top), and changes to the self defensive weapons. The weapons fit will include Russian built Ghebka anti-air missile systems, AK630 30mm CIWS systems, and DP-65 Grende launchers as well as 14.5mm machine guns.

The Russians plan to outfit the carrier with a mix of navalized Ka-52K Alligator attack helicopters and Ka-29 helicopters for troop transport, Ka-27 helicopters for anti-submarine partol, and Ka-31 helicopters for Aerial Early Warning (AEW). The principle use will be amphibious assault, but the vessels can also serve as the centerpiece for a heavy anti-submarine warfare task force.

Once the Russians get them, they will make good use of them
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asif iqbal

Lieutenant General
Maybe US should think of paying the French the money for these and avoid Russia getting thier hands on these ships

Rather than letting the get weapons and then building your own to deter them it's better to stop them getting them in the first place

Jeff Head

Registered Member
Maybe US should think of paying the French the money for these and avoid Russia getting thier hands on these ships

Rather than letting the get weapons and then building your own to deter them it's better to stop them getting them in the first place
Nice thought, but realistically not going to happen. Obama simply cannot find it within himself to be that direct.

It would be a real coup though if the US bought them, then gave one to the Ukraine and one to Georgia, along with a couple of Perry class Frigates each to escort them. LOL!.

Hehehehe...that would really stick in Mr. Putin's craw.

But as I say, just wistful thinking and not going to happen. France has to decide to halt the sale itself. As it is, it appears they will just suspend them for a few months.


Senior Member
Clearly, the Russian planners think differently.

Not really, Russian naval officers were clearly disappointed with Medvedev's decision to buy those ships. Some even mildly criticized him in public. But we already talked about that, and it is pointless to debate further . Let's wait and see what will French decide.[/QUOTE]

It would be a real coup though if the US bought them, then gave one to the Ukraine and one to Georgia, along with a couple of Perry class Frigates each to escort them. LOL!.

And then, in case of war, Russia would either sink of capture those ships intact, like they did last time ;) :p

Jeff Head

Registered Member
And then, in case of war, Russia would either sink of capture those ships intact, like they did last time ;) :p
Well, I said it was wistful thinking.

But since you's another possiblity.

We would hear from Russia that the ships had been sunk, or more likely that they had defected...and then find out later that the vessels sailed into another port under their own colors, just like the Ukrainian Flagship, the Krivak Class frigate Hetman Sahaydachny, did.


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