Senior Member
Nuclear powered cruise missile that has virtually unlimited range? How did they do that??
Hypersonic glide vehicles and delivery platforms are nothing new. I bet USA and China both have them already if not in very advanced stages as well. New ICBM improves deterrence against large scale nuclear powers but the big three will all still pursue effective ABM technologies against smaller nuclear states and whatnot. ABM is not targeted at the big three. Maybe the detection assets are but even a fraction of Chinese ballistic missiles is more than enough to completely overwhelm both Russian and American ABM at the moment. So the threat is limited. Politicians just like making a big deal out of it when USA moved missiles in eastern Europe and Korea. The real threat are the radars picking up flight patterns etc.
Most impressive from the listed weapons is the nuclear powered missile. How does that work?
Apparently Russians have crashed their nuclear powered cruise missiles multiple times and that explains why US sniffing planes have been busy.