The pilots and their aircraft have contributed to a marked improvement in the situation in Syria. And they have made clear to the authorities what must be improved in the equipment and training of this part of the Russian Navy.
My Dearest Friend, all the Russian's did was assist the Middle East's last remaining "Bloody Dictator" to remain in power and continue "murdering" his own people, further driving Syrian refugees to further flood Turkey and assorted other Middle Easter country's, all of Europe and now the United States....
I can assure you, there is a very real Hell to pay for this type of sin against humanity, and yes I realize in your world it always the US's fault, and in this particular circumstance you are exactly right, the Obama/Hillary team fomented "Arab Spring" has been a crime against humanity, but Mr. Putin continues to add to the death toll as he props up Mr. Assad.
Its clear the Syrian people wish to be free from this horrible massacre, just as it was clear the Ukrainian people wished to be free from their Russian Puppet. Mr. Putin is bloody, violent, ruthless, power hungry, and it almost seems delighted by these current events, which allow him to peddle arms and influence. Again, I acknowledge that we are currently doing similar ignorant and inept things.
If it were not for the Obama/Hillary regime and the Russian's, this brush fire would have burnt itself out 4 years ago??? and yes I can say Benghazi, what a "damnable mess"!
My prayers are for the Syrian people, that those fomenters or violence will STOP, STOP NOW! for all our sakes, if these "idiots" continue their grand stupidity, a Biblical Armageddon seems inevitable !
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