Lieutenant General
History is what it is...but at those time frames, the Vietnamese were not prepared or able to use what they had and it told in the outcomes.
Times have changed for both Navuesin that regard.
Everythig I have heard, some of it from friend in the US Navy, tells me that the Vietnamese Navy has made great strides in its professionalism and capabilities.
The vessels they are putting together could nt hope to prevail against the entire PLAN fleet...but they are not meant to.
They are meant to send a message that if the PLAN wants to resort to force, the Vietnamese would make it very expensive for them.
As to who is protecting whose rocks and islands, I am sure that the same could be siad against both sides by the other. IOW< the Vietnamese think that they are defending their own rocks and islands...the Chnese thinjk thast they are theirs...and that is the whole crux of the matter.
Vietnam is spending money to bolster and puntuate its interpretation and feelings about the islands they do psses...just as CHina is doing with those she posses.
Yeah but China could make it more painful and expensive for the Vietnamese as well, plus the PLAN can afford to recover any losses, meanwhile Vietnam can't. So whatever "messages" that the Vietnamese think that they're sending is pretty much moot. Yes times has changed and the Vietnamese armed forces has somewhat improved IMO, but it's not enough. In the end if there is (We all hope not of course) numbers with quality always wins out.