Russia's strike weapons are FAB-500M62 gliding bombs. Russian aviation began to actively use the FAB-500M62 aerial bomb, equipped with a planning module; it became the main weapon of the Russian army. The advantages of aerial bombs with gliding modules are that the mass of the combat load in the bomb reaches approximately 70% of the launch mass, while in a similar rocket it is only 15-20%. Examples of using a bomb are in the link to the video in the comments to the video. The FAB-500 M62 high-explosive bomb was put into service in 1962 and contains 213 explosives. The bomb is simple in design and made of cast iron, while the cost of the FAB-500 M62 bomb is only 300 thousand rubles or $3,100. The height of bomb release is usually from 570 meters to 12 kilometers, with a release speed from 500 to 1900 km/h. The use of this bomb with a planning module allows for strikes at ranges of up to 70 kilometers. After the bomb explodes, a crater is left up to 8 meters in diameter and 3 meters deep. The radius of the bomb is about 250 meters.