There's at least a distinct possibility also this is a one off to evaluate the concept. Both the Soviet and US submarine fleets included many one offs and experimental designs. Its far too early to draw sweeping conclusions from this, even ignoring how we have next to no information on its configuration.
While such possibility is certainly valid, I do have reasons to believe that the SSK-N (or its further derivative/development) will be serial-produced for the PLAN in the coming years.
There are the following presentation slides on the SSK-N at an unknown PLAN conference/forum/presentation from sometime in 2017, which likely constituted the first official hint/indication of the SSK-N being in the works:
As a matter of fact, that's actually one of the many other presentation slides on other PLAN projects shown during that 2017 presentation - ALL of which have become reality today (or approaching reality in the coming years):
The aforementioned other projects include (but not limited to):
1. 052D/DG
2. 055
3. 05X DDG
4. YJ-20/21
5. YJ-XX
6. HQ-26/29(?)
6. 093B
7. KJ-600
They're mostly PPTs in 2017 - But all of them have moved beyond PPTs and into wide-scale deployment (or soon to be) in the PLAN.
It is with such purview where I can confidently say that all of the projects shown in the 2017 presentation slides (including the SSK-N) represent the actual WIP projects being undertaken by the PLAN at that time and going forward. Hence, I've high degree of confidence on the notion that the SSK-N is actually a seriously pursued project by the PLAN, of which the eventual product are to be fielded in the PLAN's subsurface fleet in the coming years.