Rumour time again - possible PLAN deal for Ka-52 helicopters


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Üzgünüm, ama bu çok saçma ... PLA Ordusu asla Ka-52'yi satın almayacak, özellikle kendi ağır gelecek savaş helikopterinin oldukça iyi ilerlediği iddia edilen bir gelişme göz önüne alındığında buna gerek yok.

Ama aynı zamanda Mısırlı Ka-52 tam olarak bu gemi tipi varyant değil mi?

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是When will the new helicopter arrive?


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Guys ... please calm down! We have a CCTV report about the Ka-52 and a well known Twitter poster who often posts such Tweets to get attention.

So for the moment, there is not the slightest hint that there is even a PLAN interested and even if the surely could afford it, even if there may be some reason for it, we have NOTHING that even hints towards it. So please stop with this "Is it possible if true"!

Indeed, it is possible if true, that there is live on Mars.
Alright understood! I hope to see the PLA's new indigenous heavy attack heli soon. Btw, is it confirmed/rumoured that that heavy attack heli project is in development?


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Egypt has the Ka-52 not the KA-52K shipborne variant. they are using the army version on their Mistral ship
The Egyptians were already receiving the naval version of the Ka-52, so in this exercise they were already using the Ka-52 K.