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The following are a chinese crossbow from the Qin dynasty era, which existed before the Han dynasty. It has a range of around 300 meters if shot in the proper trajectory and can have a rate of fire of up to 7 bolts per minute when used by a trained crossbowmen. It easily out-ranges most bows at the time, but has a somewhat slow firing rate.
Tips of bolts are in a thin triangular shape in order to provide the best aerodynamic performance. Of course during that age there is no such a subject as aerodynamics but we can conclude that the Qin army adapted this shape from experiences on the battlefield.
Tips of bolts are in a thin triangular shape in order to provide the best aerodynamic performance. Of course during that age there is no such a subject as aerodynamics but we can conclude that the Qin army adapted this shape from experiences on the battlefield.