Rome vs Han China

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New Member
The following are a chinese crossbow from the Qin dynasty era, which existed before the Han dynasty. It has a range of around 300 meters if shot in the proper trajectory and can have a rate of fire of up to 7 bolts per minute when used by a trained crossbowmen. It easily out-ranges most bows at the time, but has a somewhat slow firing rate.

Tips of bolts are in a thin triangular shape in order to provide the best aerodynamic performance. Of course during that age there is no such a subject as aerodynamics but we can conclude that the Qin army adapted this shape from experiences on the battlefield.


  • Qin Nu.jpg
    Qin Nu.jpg
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  • Nu bolts.jpg
    Nu bolts.jpg
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New Member
The dimension of the Qin crossbow. I am using this as an example because Han crossbow evolved from this design.


History department of university of Fudan in Shanghai, China actually make a replica of this crossbow few years earlier. The range and rate of fire are test proven by their students, not from the back of my arse.


New Member
Now on to weapons of the Roman legions.


My personal favourite melee weapon, the Roman Gladius. It is a short sword designed to be used as a stabbing weapon during close combat. Roman legionnaires can safely launch their attack behind their large rectangular shields. Stabbing weapons have been proven to be more effective in combat that slashing or crushing ones. However, the downside is its length.


Despite the impression of many, Roman ballista does not actually fire bolts but rather stones. Crafted out of wood, ropes and animal sinew, it fires a stone the size of a human fist to a distance of 600 feet. These can be found at nearly all ancient roman forts and strongholds, however, there are very few instances where they were carried to field battles on record.


Bow Seat
VIP Professional
My personal favourite melee weapon, the Roman Gladius. It is a short sword designed to be used as a stabbing weapon during close combat. Roman legionnaires can safely launch their attack behind their large rectangular shields. Stabbing weapons have been proven to be more effective in combat that slashing or crushing ones. However, the downside is its length.

BTW way, The Roman Gladius (gladius mean short word in latin) is a copy of the Iberian sword used by the Spanish and by Carthage.


Senior Member
VIP Professional
Liberator said:
I don't like Gladius. Too short.

That why it was so deadly....

In the Gaulic wars, the Gaul had the big 3 ft sword, the Romans rushed them and with their sheild the gauls long sword became a liability. The Gauls did not have enough room to weild them.


Junior Member
I know short swords are deadly when 2 men are closed up.

But I still perfer a longsword, or better (2 handed).. :).


Junior Member
In the Gaulic wars, the Gaul had the big 3 ft sword, the Romans rushed them and with their sheild the gauls long sword became a liability. The Gauls did not have enough room to weild them.

That, I know.
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